The government crisis may come in Slovenia –


The Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (DeSUS) has left the center-right quadripartite coalition government headed by Janez Jansa, party chairman Karl Erjavec announced on Thursday. This was decided by the main body of DeSUS, which also decided that Erjavec would be its candidate for prime minister, writes MTI.

The coalition of the right-wing Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), the New Christian Democratic Slovenia (NSi), the Modern Central Party (SMC) and DeSUS has so far had 46 members of parliament in the 90-member legislature. The pension party has five representatives and two ministers in the government.

The two DeSUS heads of ministries, Health Minister Tomaz Gantar and Agriculture Minister Joze Podgorsek, will not resign, their removal must be decided by Prime Minister Janez Jansa. However, Congressman Robert Polnar, who did not support DeSUS’s departure from the coalition government, will be expelled from the party, Erjavec added.

Due to the critical internal situation in Slovenia, government support was withdrawn, not because of the coronavirus epidemic or the work of individual ministers, but because of Jansa’s policy. Erjavec, who has been a minister in every government for the past 15 years, was re-elected to head the party in early December after the departure of agriculture minister Aleksandra Pivec, suspected of using public funds for private purposes.

Karl Erjavec has since held talks with left-wing opposition parties, the party of former Prime Minister Marjan Sarec, the Marjan Sarec Party (LMS), the Social Democrats (SD), the Left (Levica) and the former Prime Minister’s party. of Alenka Bratusek (SAB), than Coalition (LUK). As they do not have enough support to form a center-left coalition government, they want to side with current coalition partners.

A so-called constructive vote of no confidence is planned against the government, which requires the signature of ten deputies. If they succeed in overthrowing the government, they can nominate a candidate for prime minister to parliament. The government, which in this way would lose its majority, would continue to function as an executive until the parliament votes on the new head of government and ministers.

Commenting on the developments, Jansa said that in terms of the composition of parliament, it is not possible to create a more stable government than the current one. “If someone undermines this structure, sooner or later early elections will be held,” he stressed.

In his words, an electoral campaign or political instability in the country, right in the most difficult part of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, will not help anyone.

The political tendencies of the coalition parties are different, but they are capable of working together to face the challenges of the present and the future, emphasized the prime minister, adding that any exclusionary policy can have catastrophic consequences for the people during this difficult time. .
