Index – National – The mayor of Komló sent her husband, a partner of Fidesz, to a management position


The mayor of Komló has appointed the husband of one of his Fidesz deputies as head of a municipal company, writes

The mayor, József Polics, can decide only on a series of issues due to the declared emergency, citing the coronavirus epidemic, so that the majority opposition parliamentarians who are in the municipality now have nothing to say in the matters from the city.

The tender for Komló City Guard leaders was announced in September, even before the second emergency and emergency for the coronavirus epidemic was ordered. The reason was that neither the opposition nor the first man of the city were satisfied with the director of the municipal company. The controversy has escalated to the point where the mayor who has acquired full powers has now appointed the husband of one of Fidesz’s municipal representatives.

It is about the fact that for a year she wanted to make this Deputy Mayor József Polics deputy mayor, now under the Christmas tree we would receive as a gift the appointment of her husband as head of an institution in the city. Again, this decision is certainly unfair and almost certainly illegal, as it does not make proper use of the mayor’s rights, is disproportionate, and has nothing to do with advocacy in the world.

– said László Szakács, Member of Parliament of the MSZP. Opposition MPs say it is necessary to wait until the end of the emergency to investigate whether the mayor has exceeded his authority.

The ATV Newser was looking for the mayor of Komló, but did not want to stand in front of the camera.
