According to the Slovak Prime Minister, his finance minister is an idiot


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“I am sorry that an idiot is our finance minister who cannot buy the tests to save lives, health and protect the economy so that children can go back to school and restaurants can open. Sorry Sorry. He may be a bad head of government, but I am not willing to bear these consequences, ”Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovič said, according to a report by

Igor MatovicPhoto: YVES HERMAN / AFP

The prime minister has repeatedly criticized Richard Sulík for failing to provide the antigen tests necessary for mass testing in a timely manner. Now, he said, the minister “elevates people because for him they are only numbers. Because we save when the old and the sick die. I can no longer forgive that, I have nausea and crying is avoided ”.

Matovič wants Sulík to resign before Christmas.The prime minister and the minister do not represent the same party. The first is president of a party called Simple People and Independent Personalities, and the second leads the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party.

According to New Word, Sulík reacted:

“Assuming the post of head of government is an extremely challenging task, even in the absence of such an extraordinary crisis that we have had to face in recent weeks. I do not accept Igor Matovič’s statements, because I am aware that he has to deal with an extremely difficult situation and that he does not have daily responsibilities. The SaS party carries out the tasks within its competence in a responsible manner and does everything possible to make the most of its program for the benefit of the citizens. I am sorry that we are wasting precious time right now, when facts count, not tears. ”

Richard SulíkPhoto: VLADIMIR SIMICEK / AFP writes that Sulík’s first reaction was more vehement, but he eventually removed it from Facebook.

“The SaS party did not come to the government to cry, but to work hard to fulfill most of the points of its program. Slovakia currently has bigger problems to deal with the emotional state of Igor Matovič. “

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