Index – Foreigner – Skeletons fall from Bratislava cabinet


In the cleaning process that began after the elections at the end of February, the dominoes that fell one after another have now also reached the Bratislava parliament. However, this is the first time that the authorities have taken action against the head of Peter Žiga for corruption cases.

– Zsolt Király, editor-in-chief of Körké, told Index. The Highland news portal was the first in the Slovak press to report on police cars lined up in front of the parliament, citing recordings of pro-government MPs. On Thursday afternoon, the Index also reported on the monster’s raid in Bratislava, citing the Panorama. The economy minister of the previous government, which failed in February, remains protected by his immunity, which has not yet been suspended. King added,

the police officers who came to parliament in a demonstrative manner could probably have tried to deliver the indictment to him.

It’s not just a dense year due to the epidemic

Events accelerated after the fall of the Smer (Directorate) party, marked by the name of former Chief of Staff Robert Fico, who, in addition to a brief period, defined the last decade and a half of Slovak politics. (In recent years, Peter Pellegrini, a former partner in Fico’s party, has been prime minister, but in the summer, as an opposition, he founded a new party called Hang.)

The current head of government, Igor Matovič, chairman of the center-right party called Simple People and Independent Personalities (OĽaNO), which has been trying to maintain an unstable tripartite coalition cabinet ever since,

who won the February elections by putting anti-corruption on its flag and then taking the oath with a mask already during the raging coronavirus epidemic.

(A feature of the coalition tension is also that today Matovič urged the resignation of his economy minister, Richard Sulík, of the right-wing Libertad y Solidaridad. [SaS] President. He said about it

It hurt that our finance minister was an idiot. )

The minor problem is bigger than that

However, this is a secondary issue for Bratislava today, compared to the fact that since the murder of the journalist almost two years ago, Ján Kuciak and his girlfriend, which brought Fico and then Pellegrini, the 5.4 million countries have been in virtually constant political shock.

and the skeletons fall from the Bratislava cabinet one after another.

Cases are constantly running through two threads: on the one hand, corruption allegations such as those made against Peter Žiga, and on the other hand, they can be linked to Gorilla’s files. Sometimes there is a personal connection between the two threads, as in the case of Special Prosecutor Dušan Kováčik. In these cases, the name of Marian Kočner, a great entrepreneur, also appears. He was charged with ordering the murder of Kuciak and was acquitted in the first instance in September, not legally.

Krisztián Pomichal, a political journalist for the Ma7 upland family of media, told Index.

The Index also wrote about it: Žiga is a former member of Smer, Minister of Economy from 2016 to 2020, who is currently politicizing at Pellegrini’s Voice. He is accused of asking Nitra businessman Norbert Bödör in 2016: to deliver a 50,000 euro bribe to Bernard Slobodník, the then director of the Slovak Financial Guard. In return, the authority should forget about investigating a fraud case in which your nephew’s company may be involved.

Previously, we wrote about the essence of the Gorilla case that erupted in 2012:

From a multitude of sound recordings, it turned out that for more than ten years, the ruling politicians of various partisans were under the influence of one of Slovakia’s most influential corporate empires, the Penta.

Zsolt Király’s list in this week’s op-ed on the state of the mafia fraught with complicated corporate affairs and political mergers is staggering in itself:

  • Milan Lučanský – Chief of the National Police (2018-2020),
  • Norbert Bödör – oligarch, director of a security company,
  • Dušan Kováčik – Special Prosecutor (2004-2020),
  • Boris Beňo – First Deputy of the Slovak Secret Service (SIS),
  • Monika Jankovská – Secretary of State of the Ministry of Justice (2016-2019),
  • Róbert Krajmer – former head of the anti-corruption unit,
  • Peter Hraško – Head of the National Criminal Agency (NAKA), which investigates the most serious irregularities,
  • Bernard Slobodník – former head of the financial guard unit,
  • Marián Zetocha, former head of the SIS Espionage Unit,
  • Ľudovít Makó – former head of the Investigation Office of the Financial Guard,
  • Martin Fleischer – former head of the economic department of the Ministry of the Interior, respectively
  • various judges at all levels of the judiciary.

And now Peter Žiga, who would be the first member in charge in the previous line,he wasn’t far from it either Just fine

  • supposedly he was not in the parliament building today because he reported a patient, and
  • protects your immunity.
