Katalin Novák: I’m a mom, I really like to knit


Chocolate will soon change again, and the new regulation on zero percent VAT in rusted areas will be completed, Family Affairs Minister Katalin Novák told Portfolio.hu. Banks are negotiating to facilitate the credit assessment of the baby expectancy allowance.

Legislative changes are expected regarding the family housing allowance (shock), which is required due to the attic installation shock, and there will also be a loan for babies on hold and a mortgage exemption for children born before July 1 from 2019 but adopted after that. According to Katalin Novák, a minister without a portfolio of families.

The government estimates that the new house building program as a whole will cost roughly HUF 300 billion in 2021 and more than half of that will be spent on renovation. The budget framework is open from the top, so there is no need to worry about running out of money and the program will end early, the minister said in an interview with the portal.

Regarding a possible housing rental program, the minister without portfolio said: According to representative research, an overwhelming majority of young people say they want a house of their own. This is not an outdated Hungarian tradition that we are going to grow, but a demand that still exists today.

And the new regulation on the introduction of a zero percent VAT in rusted areas is almost complete, and Novák is confident that it can start from January 1.

No substantial changes are planned for the waiting baby loan. Regarding the support for expecting babies, they are discussing with the Hungarian Banking Association and the banks what aspects to consider in the credit assessment. In the case of a subsidy for the expectation of a baby, the real risk for the bank is not that the income of the borrower will decrease, but that he will not have a child. If someone comes in with a big belly and needs support, the bank risk is almost nil. Credit assessment logic cannot follow this yet, we want to improve it in some way, added the minister.

Novák dismissed the comment that the family support measures appear to target the middle class, saying they are working to have the children they want, regardless of the economic situation.

Of the interview it was said: “I am a mother, I like to knit a lot, and sometimes I make phone calls in the meantime. These two can be perfectly combined with each other. So it is with economic recovery and family support.”

I believe in the regulatory power of the market, said the family minister in response to a question. In his opinion, the labor market is also a market and the market is capable of finding good solutions to difficult situations. Today, labor shortages are not necessarily the norm and interoperability between different professions cannot be ruled out.

Obviously, no one can get an architecture degree right away, but there is a lot of professional and auxiliary work that is easier to learn, it sounds like good advice.
