The cornerstone of the new Hungarian combat vehicle factory was laid


The cornerstone of the Lynx combat vehicle plant, built by the German joint venture Rheinmetall and the Hungarian state for around 60 billion guilders, was laid on a military helicopter in Zalaegerszeg on Thursday; It was also announced at the event that new plants will be established in Várpalota for the production of explosives and large-caliber ammunition.

The Minister of Innovation and Technology, László Palkovics, said: 218 of the most modern Lynx combat vehicles in its category will be delivered to the Hungarian Armed Forces, 172 of which will be manufactured at the Zala plant, to be completed in 2023, which will also deal with research, development and tests. He added that construction will begin on the factory building to be built on the three-hectare area and associated test environment, right next to the ZalaZone automotive test track.

Alexander Sagel, Head of the Arms and Ammunition Division of Rheinmetall AG, Armin Papperger, Chairman of the Board of Rheinmetall AG, Minister of Innovation and Technology László Palkovics and Gáspár Maróth, Government Commissioner for Defense Development (bj) sign a cooperation agreement In the Automotive Test Track reception buildingSource: MTI / György Varga

László Palkovics put it like this: the laying of the first stone also marks the beginning of a new era for the Hungarian army, the military industry and the economy, with the introduction of an industry with exceptional added value that goes beyond the existing high technical standards ” .However, all of this is not without precedent, as in previous decades Hungary still had a serious military industry and related vehicle production.

The cradle of new-age innovation will be in Zalaegerszeg, in addition to the HUF 45 billion automotive test track, based on its unique characteristics, a new industrial innovation base of international significance will be created. Rheinmetall Hungary Zrt., A joint venture between ZalaZone Ipari Park Zrt. And Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH, is also developing one of the most complex off-road test environments in Europe, the minister explained.

Demonstration of the Lynx infantry fighting vehicle at the Brave Warrior 2020 international military exercise near Hajmáskér in Veszprém county on September 24, 2020Source: MTI / Tamás Vasvári

László Palkovics also indicated that the government will discuss and presumably accept on Monday the military development proposal, one of the most important elements of which is the Lynx factory. Further negotiations are underway with Rheinmetal on new investments, the content of which is not yet detailed, but it has revealed that the leaders of the German company will visit the laser center in Szeged after Zalaegerszeg.

Defense Minister Tibor Benkő believed that The construction of the Zalaegerszeg combat vehicle factory is a big step forward not only for Zalaegerszeg and its region, but also for Hungary.The government is committed to the development of the armed forces because without a strong national army, there is no esteem, self-esteem, and national defense. National defense is a national matter, based on the preparation and means of the armed forces, the strong NATO alliance and the commitment of Hungarian citizens to the affairs of the homeland and the nation, said the head of the Defense Ministry. . According to him, by now we have managed to see ourselves as NATO allies, whereas in the past we were described as “slippers”, but now they consider the force development processes in Hungary to be exemplary.

Gáspár Maróth, the government commissioner responsible for defense developments, reported that the joint venture’s next investment will be the construction of large-caliber explosives and ammunition plants and mine grenades in Várpalota. He added that this investment was also outstanding for the European community, because Europe lacks explosives. Joining the production of large-caliber ammunition, the grenade production of the recently acquired state mining plant Hirtenberger would also move to Várpalota.

Lynx infantry fighting vehicle near the ZalaZone automotive test track reception building in Zalaegerszeg on December 17, 2020Source: MTI / György Varga

Armin Papperger, Chairman and CEO of Rheinmetall, highlighted, among other things, that A factory is being built in Zalaegerszeg like no other in Europe, as they also use technologies that also use artificial intelligence. With this technology, digital equipment can also protect soldiers.

Lynx Infantry Fighting VehicleSource: MTI / Tamás Vasvári

He claimed that artificial intelligence will be integrated into tactical systems in the next ten years, and the development at Zala is so progressive that nowhere in the world is it similar, and in the next 10 to 15 years it will be permanently ahead of American technology. . Rheinmetall plans to invest more than 600 million euros in Hungary in the coming years, and in terms of research and development and production of weapons and ammunition, this will make Hungary a leader in Europe as well.

Ferenc Korom, commander of the Hungarian Armed Forces, said: The Lynx factory is the latest stage in the development of the Hungarian military industry, which will also have a positive effect on the labor market and economic development in the region.

Mayor Zoltán Balaicz (Fidesz-KDNP) described the investment of the combat vehicle factory as one more step to strengthen the local economy, surpassing all previous dreams, which also repositioned the role of the municipal seat of Zala.

László Vigh, Fidesz deputy for the region, indicated as ministerial commissioner of the ZalaZone automotive test track: the investment is currently 80 percent ready and they want to finish everything by the end of next year.

At the Zalaegerszeg event, the cornerstone of the investment was laid with the Armed Forces H145M helicopter, and the participants were able to see it all online. Also on display at the site during the operation was a copy of the Lynx fighting vehicle to be manufactured at the Zala plant from 2023. The armored vehicle, capable of carrying up to ten soldiers, can fire machine guns, machine guns and guided missiles, its 1140 horsepower engine can reach speeds of 70 kilometers and can travel 500 kilometers on a single tank of fuel.
