Index – Domestic – More than 10 thousand liters of dirt sucked


It has been draining used oil from the river for days on the Danube branch at Ráckeve, where serious pollution occurred last week. Thousands of liters of oil were poured into the Danube at Szigetszentmiklós by an unknown author through the storm water canal. The only positive thing that happened was that the coastal floating swamp trapped the land, and since the public announcement on Saturday, the water authority and experts from Danube-Ipoly National Park soon surrounded reeds with diving walls, the oil did not enter the river. .

The spokeswoman for the National Water Directorate, Gabriella Siklós, will update them on the spot. He said that thousands of liters of contaminated water, oil and sludge had been removed from the area in recent days.

They already exceed 10,000 liters in total, but so far it does not seem that they have done the work with a brigade.

Professionals also work with manual power and oil pumps, loading contaminated oil and water into 1000-liter tanks and 220-liter barrels, stored separately on site. They try to neutralize the oil spill with a powder called sanol, and they also use oil soak sheets to collect the dirt. In consultation with Danube-Ipoly National Park staff, the temporary road will be constructed with extreme caution so that bulldozers can be approached from two directions with bulldozers.

According to the General Water Directorate, the material dumped in the swamp was mainly motor oil and to a lesser extent diesel.

They have also started the construction of a circle, the earth will eventually be excavated from the area surrounded by the dam. In addition, a storm water drain is installed, which is important so that incoming rain does not wash away dirt from the swampy area.

1836 square meters were affected by the oil spill, thanks to the work done so far, the oil is approximately 2-5 centimeters thick in the swamp

Gabriella Siklós told the Index. After the contamination was reported, experts measured a thickness of 8 to 10 inches at certain points, so pumping is going well, but the job can still take another 1-2 weeks. According to the OVF, the members of the Danube Ráckeve Fishermen’s Association also help in the work, participate in the rescue of aquatic life with boats.

It was a matter of luck

The fact that the reeds trapped dirt and that the water level was low contributed to the oil not flowing into the Danube. It is just the work of accidental fortune, because matter has been constantly spreading.

– explained our question dr. Zoltán Hegyi, the nature conservation keeper of the Danube-Ipoly National Park, is also from the site. He explained that it can already be seen that locally, hourly damage has also caused hourly damage to flora and fauna.

Almost half of the peat ferns, with their thousands of populations, have already been destroyed due to pollution and oil contamination, but the rest of the local aquatic plants are also under serious threat.

Several of the fish species (broad crucian carp, swamp spider, reef plane), green frog, swamp turtle, water glider are also decimated by used oil, and otters and bird species such as ducks are endangered. of extinction. .

Dr. Zoltán Hegyi said that every day someone from the national park is sent to the scene if something needs to be searched or rescued. Shortly before our conversation, we managed to rescue an oil-soaked marsh turtle from the water.

Hundreds of thousands of items

An important question is who and for what purpose do I think of leaving thousands of liters of oil in a protected area. While the police are investigating, we are trying to find out how much it would cost to place an item of this size in a controlled environment. We managed to reach Attila Kovács, the director of European Lube Kft., Which deals with the purchase and disposal of used oil, who said that there is no financial cause for serious environmental pollution.

Disposal of clean and contaminated waste oils is subject to special consideration. If a company is officially operating and produces clean oil in the course of its work, it can be withdrawn free of charge. Therefore, it would not be logical for someone to pour oil into the Danube, as it would not cost money to transport it, but you may not want the amount of oil to enter the environmental protection system through a data sheet during extraction. , because it becomes visible that it produced tired oil

He explained to the Index.

Another problem is if someone wants to transport contaminated used oil. Here, the rate is 50 to 70 thousand florins per ton, that is, in the case of 8 to 10 thousand liters it can reach 500 to 700 thousand florins, which is complemented by the cost of transportation. It is on the roof where the serious environmental damage is due to the avoidance of this amount.

(Cover image: Water quality remediation works are underway to eliminate the hydrocarbon contamination detected in the Ráckeve-Soroksár Danubio branch on December 14, 2020. Photo: Róbert Romet / OVF)
