According to virologist and molecular biologist Zsolt Boldogkői, anti-vaccination is as if someone is arguing that motorists are killed by their seat belts.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus was mostly between 50 and 100 in 24 hours. The first step is partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

News of vaccines that have been shown to be effective against coronavirus have been popping up steadily for a few weeks, just think of the vaccines developed by Moderna or Pfizer / BioNTech. However, there are those who are not convinced by the results of scientific research. The loudest vaccines try to convince others and come up with various claims on social media that can usually be overridden very quickly with scientific reasoning.

The Publicus Institute recently conducted a representative survey, which found that two-thirds of Hungarians do not request Covid vaccines. Zsolt Boldogkői, a virologist and molecular biologist, who recently received death threats for defending the coronavirus vaccine, sent them a very sensitive example, highlighting how the argument against the vaccine is based on error and bias.

“Making seatbelts mandatory is a dictatorial restriction on the democratic right to freedom of movement,” writes a renowned professor at the University of Szeged.

“The seat belt is a killer, as statistics show that overall there have been more deaths among motorists who have fastened their seatbelts than among those who have not. They also die less in a car accident than in an accident automotive, even though the engine has no seat belt, nowhere did I find a case where death occurred in a car without a seat belt.


There is hydrogen in the seat belt material, as is hydrogen cyanide, but the manufacturers keep it a secret. “

You can read the full text by clicking on the entry below. Value.

Zsolt Boldogkői also wrote a message to Hungarian doctors who rejected the virus.

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