Index – National – Acceptance of dishonest treatment and bribery on charges against Bige


László Bige, owner of Nitrogénművek, is suspected of dishonest treatment, use of a false private document and the crime of accepting bribery, causing a particularly significant economic disadvantage, writes, referring to information from the prosecution.

László Szilágyi, A spokesperson for the county attorney general’s office confirmed to InfoRádió that the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county police headquarters had detained László Bige on December 15, 2020 and questioned him as a suspect.

InfoRádió also writes that a well-founded suspicion of various crimes has been reported in relation to the owner of Nitrogénművek:

  • was convicted of dishonest treatment, which caused a particularly significant financial disadvantage,
  • misdemeanor of use of a single false private document,
  • and the crime of accepting a bribe committed in a commercial manner by a person entitled to independent action.

The Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Attorney General’s Office has yet to receive a request for the arrest of László Bige or any other enforcement action. The details of the suspect’s confession are not yet known, but authorities have 24 hours to do so. After doing so, the Prosecutor’s Office will have to decide whether to present any type of motion to the court in the case, adds InfoRádió.

On Tuesday, the Index also reported that László Bige had been arrested, allegedly on suspicion of economic crimes. Regarding the case, we contacted the press department of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Police Headquarters in writing on Wednesday morning, but received the following response:

(…) In response to your request, we would like to inform you that Law CXII of 2011 on the right to self-determination of information and freedom of information. We cannot provide information under the law for data protection reasons.

An interview with László Bige appeared in the December issue of Vidék Magazine, in which he talked about how this year was extremely good for the Bige group of companies, and Nitrogénművek closes one of its most successful years.

Despite Covid-19, we were able to increase production and expand our distribution channels. We also expanded geographically, selling to new markets and being able to strengthen ourselves in our important export markets. New, or rather, our refocused directions were Austria and Germany to the west and Serbia to the south.

– said the great contractor to Rural Magazine.

As early as May, storm clouds gathered over Bige’s head

László Bige, owner of Nitrogénművek Zrt., Is one of the richest people in Hungary, who acquired his fortune after the regime change, mainly from the production of fertilizers.

In May, the prosecution issued a prison sentence and the confiscation of 135 million guilders in bribes against the big businessman. Then, in his statement to the Index, he wrote that

“Dilettante, amateur, useless people” have made great efforts to ruin it with the participation of public bodies, but they will not succeed.

The great contractor refused to want to bribe anyone:

Anyone who thinks that one of the richest people in Hungary wanted to bribe someone is wrong. Someone claimed that he had bribed László Bige, although he had received nothing for it, and the authorities do not seem to show how absurd this is.

Bige said.

He called the prosecution’s indictment ridiculous and unfounded, thereby commenting that it was part of a cohesive attack on him. He also hinted that he and his family had been threatened.
