The man had already been surrounded by the police, but for drug possession.

A man who was flagged for drug possession was arrested by the police on December 2, the 19th century. district. During the property search, police seized 31 grams of suspected drug port, speed based on raw data, said.

Police also found seven short-chain Staffordshire terriers and the bagged carcasses of a dog that had died a few days ago. There were traces of neglected bites on the animals.

Police also searched the man’s reported address, where they found ten more dogs, allegedly kept for battle, including several puppies.

The animals were taken to the Police Education and Training Center for professional care.

The National Bureau of Investigation of the Reserve Police is prosecuting the organization of a prohibited animal fight.

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Dogs scratched each other in Mohács animal battle, organizers condemned
At home

The organizers were caught by TEK.

The police slapped the organizers of animal fights in Nagykőrös
At home

The organizers were on their way home after a dog fight when they were stopped by police.

István Bergendy died