You really get confused with Fidesz


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As we have already reported, the majority of the government voted in favor of the package that modifies the electoral laws. However, even in the minutes of the vote, what was finally supported by the government side compared to the summary proposal adopted by the Legislative Committee changed.

The pro-government deputies did not vote for the part included in Tímea Szabó’s proposal, which would have changed the boundaries of the individual constituencies (oevk) of the Pest County Parliament.

Tímea Szabó, Representative of the Dialogue, will address the plenary session of Parliament on March 16, 2020. In front of him is László Kövér, Speaker of the Chamber.Photo: Bruzák Noémi / MTI / MTVA

This was necessary because, due to population movements, the eligible population of two Oev now also differs by more than 20 percent from the national average. The draft was presented by the former president of the National Electoral Office, Ilona Pálffy, in the summer and was presented by the leader of the Dialogue faction, as experts said it did not substantially change the possibilities for the distribution of seats.

The turmoil that our article on breakfast, on the chaos of Fidesz around the amendment to the law, continued in the House, according to them. Presumably Viktor Orbán, who has been concentrating on something else in recent weeks, has slowed down upon learning that an opposition proposal has been included in the summary.

In preparation for the 2022 elections, electoral district boundaries can only be changed this year. If, despite what happened today, parliament wants to fulfill its legal duty, extraordinary part-sessions will be needed at the end of the year, or the law on the election of members of parliament (two-thirds) will have to be modified to make it more flexible. the term of the district movement.

Government deputies during the recess prior to voting in the plenary session of the National Assembly on June 13, 2017.Photo: Attila Kovács / MTI / MTVA

By the way, in 2013 there were already examples of postponement of the deadline for moving district boundaries.

2020 was an extraordinary year. The coronavirus epidemic and the deepening economic crisis that followed us all put us to the test, and the government also used this dire crisis to further strengthen its already unprecedented power.

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