Index – National – TV2 got a huge loan


A loan of twenty-three billion guilders appeared among the corporate newspapers of TV2 and its program producer, IKO, writes hvg360. IKO acquired a 24.2 percent stake in TV2 Média grupė Zrt. In November, and according to an article on the portal

Thus, among the final owners at this time we know, among others, József Vida, the confidants of József Vida, the confidant of Lőrinc Mészáros, a capital fund linked to Lőrinc Mészáros, and a woman named Szilvia Nagy.

According to the mortgage agreement presented to the registry court, the acquisition imposed a heavy burden on the two companies, TV2 obtained a loan of 8.5 billion HUF and IKO a loan of 14.5 billion HUF from MKB Bank and Takarékbank. It is about 23 billion HUF, and the two companies borrowed from their “own” bank, as Lőrinc Mészáros has a 48.62% stake in MKB Bank and József Vida owns Takarékbank.

In 2019, IKO and TV2 made a total profit of HUF 3 billion, which may seem a bit small compared to the loan obtained.
