Has the European Parliament failed?


The deal is a success for member states and a failure for the European Parliament, said István Pócza, research director at the Danube Institute, evaluating the agreement reached at the two-day summit. It could involve the European Parliament approving the agreement reached at the two-day EU summit on the EU budget and the recovery fund at next week’s meeting, “but there will still be complaints.” Head of the PE delegation of Fidesz-KDNP. Kossuth Radio European Time Summary.

In the EU decision-making mechanism, disputes are often resolved at a lower level, but in the debate on the rule of law it was known that the position of Hungary and Poland would not change, and here the debate will be decided by the European Council of Heads of State and Government.

The EP wanted the conditions

The European Parliament (EP) has called for a strict link between the rule of law and financial payments.

It was another attempt to obtain additional rights so that they could set the conditions, but it was also part of the competition between European institutional systems.


With the leaders of the Member States finally deciding the issue, the European Parliament was relegated to the background. According to István Pócza, although this cannot be stated openly, several southern states, such as Greece, Spain or Italy, are happy, since the influence of the member states is maintained through the European Council.

It was also important that the German Presidency, which ended at the end of the year, paralyze the debate.

The deal was also seen as a huge relief by Angela Merkel, who will retire from politics next year. The German chancellor can say that he has managed to agree on a seven-year EU budget, a recovery fund and that he has reached the end of the debate on the rule of law, he said.

As for the near future, he believes that even after the agreement reached at the summit, the criticism and criticism about Hungary will not end, he added.

Tamás Deutsch: There will be regret from the EP

We have won, the position has won that it is worth constantly defending national interests, the Fidesz MEP assessed the agreement reached this week.

He considered that the European Parliament would approve the usual political declaration of no legal significance at that time.

It is sad that the EP once defied the agreement, which was reached at the EU summer summit, and will probably now not be able to wholeheartedly support it, he added.

The agreement is important for Hungary because “Member States have only been able to prevent access to development money by accepting arbitrary political conditions set in Brussels, such as the massive reception of immigrants.”

In his opinion, it is not yet possible to say that Hungary has won this edition of destiny (immigration – ed.), “But we won a great battle in an important battle”.

Tamás Deutsch was also asked what he expected from next week’s meeting of the European People’s Party (EPP), where they could decide to exclude the member.

Regardless of his identity, he expressed disappointment that they wanted to use an administrative measure reminiscent of a period of political arbitrariness to express dissenting opinions.

According to him, sobriety and cooperation should be the main rule within the political family of the Popular Party, because it is not possible to politicize by will. The question is whether Grupo EPP consistently adheres to its own core values.

Tamás Deutsch is confident that the vast majority of the EPP will be in this sober position next week.

You can listen to the full conversation here.

This article was written in collaboration with Euranet Plus, the leading radio news network about the European Union. Let’s understand Europe better!
