Index – National – According to the MSZP, Katalin Novák wants to turn the wheel of history back 100 years


Katalin Novák wants to turn the wheel of history 100 years ago, her suggestions for the women of the XX. The rights of the 19th century, the idea of ​​gender equality, are being questioned, wrote Zita Gurmai, a Socialist member of Parliament.

The vice president of the MSZP, president of the Women’s Party of the European Socialist Party, responded today to a video in which the Minister of Family Affairs, Katalin Novák, spoke, among other things, that women should not compete with men and they should not be bothered if they earn less.

Gurmai recalls that the government press recently mentioned the right to human dignity, the sanctity of privacy, in connection with the Szájer affair, which he said the minister had not thought about at this time. According to the socialist politician, one of the sources of domestic violence could be the female vulnerability preferred by Novák. Ironically, he notes:

I can say that the XXI. Young people of the XXI century for such a marriage!

According to Gurmai, Novák should stop, as he puts it, from “publicizing his musty-smelling views” and should not waste the country’s money on spreading them.
