TV2 released a 17-second recording, in which Krisztina Baranyi said they would make an anti-Semitic statement in an online debate about the sale of a property. According to the mayor, based on the full recording, it would turn out that he did not desecrate the businessman who was the subject of the conversation.

We won’t sell the land, we won’t get any income from it, but the bloody junk Jewish investor can’t build 1200 more square feet. Right?

Sounds on a sound recording that the TV2 data disclosed. Krisztina Baranyi can be heard in the 17-second recording, Acts According to the mayor, he negotiated the sale of an empty plot when the previous sentence was pronounced. According to the channel, Baranyi argued with his political allies, through whom he had difficulty winning the sale of the property.

According to an article on television close to the government, Baranyi, taking advantage of his emergency authority, decided to sell the property of the municipality alone. THE TV2 He also claimed that the mayor had used his extraordinary authority for his own interests and left-wing deputies had asked the mayor to hold him accountable.

Baranyi responded to all this on his Facebook page, writing that Fidesz should make the recording of the entire conversation public. He wrote that he was not Jewish to the businessman in the story, but that he precisely questioned his fellow discussions about his possible anti-Semitism.

According to the mayor of Ferencváros, the ominous ruling was delivered at the end of a multi-hour online debate, where some MPs spoke out against the sale of a smaller municipal parcel:

At the time, there was no other argument left for their position than what I am actually asking provocatively on this topic: Are they not opposed to the origin of the investor?

Krisztina Baranyi added that “the government’s propaganda also lies on the issue” that it decided to sell the plot against the decision of the deputies, because the representative body decided to sell the plot already at the beginning of the year. In the publication, Baranyi also added that the tender was announced by the competent municipal committee and the minimum sale price was set by them. The mayor even commented that he was not a member of the committee.

Due to the characteristics of the parcel, only one applicant applied for the tender, his offer to purchase exceeded the specified minimum selling price, he wrote. Krisztina Baranyi also added that she is initiating legal proceedings against news products that spread lies.

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A mockery depicting Krisztina Baranyi hangs from the table of her predecessor, János Bácskai, at the general assembly
At home

In front of the former mayor of Fidesz, Krisztina Baranyi is depicted in an astonishing drawing, an earlier phrase from which she was quoted in the cartoon.

Baranyi prevented Zsolt Gréczy from returning to Ferencváros
At home

They wanted to push the DK politician into a municipal company.