Péter Jakab asked Orbán if he or László Kövér had already attended a gay sex party.


Today, you just shake your head, there is so much scandal around you: bribes, orgies, drugs, pedophilia. But all of this is nothing compared to a bag of potatoes

– started a series of immediate questions in Parliament on Monday Jakab Péterrecalling that he had received the severest parliamentary punishment of more than four million guilders in the last thirty years for violating the authority of the House for attempting to deliver a bag of potatoes Towards Viktor Orbán.

“So how much is a bag of drugs brought by your MEP from an orgy in Brussels, in violation of Hungary’s authority?” Asked the president of Jobbik, mentioning that József Szájer instead, he can leave Brussels with a premium of 40 million. James added, the organizer of the Brussels orgy claims he was visited by nine Fidesz, meaning that many pro-government politicians could be blackmailed.

We need to know who these nine are. László Kövér for example, he has said that he looks at women with pity. And the men? Maybe it’s one of them? Or have you, Prime Minister, been to a party like this?

Orbán was asked by the politician Jobbik, who said that everyone should know who and why he blackmailed the Prime Minister, because he constantly makes decisions that go against the interests of the country.

Viktor Orbán responded with a single sentence: he said he did not understand what it had to do with Peter Jakab’s potatoes and the parliamentary punishment he received as prime minister.

Ágnes Vadai (DK) also spoke about the fact that Fidesz is full of blackmailed people and also described the Szájer case as a risk to national security.

The Prime Minister reiterated:

it is quite clear that what our old and great comrade in arms did does not fit into the life of our community, it cannot be defended, nor can it be saved,

therefore, he had no choice but to leave politics, József Szájer did. Regarding the national security risk, he said that during the Gyurcsány government, Russian spies were allowed into the Hungarian secret service building to subject those working there to a polygraph examination. He later added that he would think about adjusting the projections, which Vadai also raised.

Tímea Szabó, the leader of the Dialogue faction asked Viktor Orbán:

Did József Szájer know of his way of life, that he had not lived according to the Christian-conservative values ​​and the basic law that he had written for “forty years”?

The prime minister replied: Hungary is a free country, a state governed by the rule of law, the constitution does not tell anyone how to live if it is governed by the law. József Szájer assumed the consequences of his actions.

Szabó said Fidesz has been investigating other people’s rooms for ten years and now wants to ban gay couples from adopting them. Then he asked the Prime Minister again if he knew of Szájer’s way of life, that even the drafter of the constitution could not adhere to the rules prescribed for others. Tímea Szabó then handed a certificate containing only one to Orbán, who, according to him, also failed to handle the epidemic.

The prime minister responded that the rules for homosexuals have not changed since 2008. Here, he certainly referred to the introduction of a registered society and added that he would not even support any changes.

The MSZP Gurmai zita He called for thousands of test points to be established in the country where anyone will be tested for the coronavirus for free before Christmas. He also urged the payment of 100 percent of sick pay so that no one misses tests for fear of losing income.

The prime minister said that decisions on epidemiological control are made by operational staff and, in consultation with professional bodies, decide who will undergo the tests based on the opinions of doctors. Orbán said that in recent weeks Hungary has been among the European countries that have carried out the most tests, those that work in health, the social sphere, education and more recently in public administration have been evaluated and the results have been made public .
