Index – Domestic – Zsolt Semjén: In private life, everyone does what they want, but they can’t do politics with it


Support for churches has increased fivefold in the last decade, 130 churches have been built under the St. Stephen’s Church Building Program, said Zsolt Semjén, Deputy Prime Minister for National Policy, Church Affairs and Nationalities.

In addition to the 130 new churches, 3,000 churches have been renovated since 2010. The funds withheld before 2010 were received by the churches, and support from Hungarians abroad has increased tenfold since then. While in 2010 110,000 children attended church school, which was 6 percent of total public education, in 2020 there were already 240,000 children, which is 15 percent. In 2013 the teaching of ethics and the teaching of faith and morals began, which in 2020 will cover all 8 classes. Faith and morality are chosen by one in two children, a total of about 270,000. Churches accounted for up to 10 percent of basic social services in 2010 and 44 percent in 2020.

– said Zsolt Semjén, who emphasized the principles of church policy:

the church is an independent reality, not part of the state. The state and the church are not subordinate but subordinate.

A model of cooperation between the Hungarian state and the churches has been developed. The separation of church and state is correct, this is also the case in Hungary, but this does not mean the separation of church and society.

I invented this church policy and implemented it with Zoltán Balog under the name of the Hungarian model.

Zsolt Semjén said. Responding to a question from the representatives, he stated that there is also no contradiction between the position of the Pope and the Hungarian government on the issue of refugees. The Hungarian state provides protection to refugees, but economic refugees must be distinguished from this, he added. Zsolt Semjén commented:

DK’s “anti-Christian and Hungarian-phobic” dominance of church schools is reminiscent of the 1950s, all backed by the anti-piety of Satan.

Responding to questions about the World Hunting Exhibition, the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that it is not true that the event will cost HUF 55 billion, of which the Hungexpo will be renewed, where the first event will be the International Eucharistic Congress in September 2021, then the World Hunting Expo, then and there were many other events, so it was a “significant investment,” he added, adding that the 1971 World Hunting Expo also provided the country with room for maneuver and economic success, and as a child he was there and it continued to be a defining experience for him.

Next year’s event could play a big role in relaunching right after a pandemic.

Zsolt Semjén said, then asked about the Szájer case. In this regard, he considered:

In their private life, everyone does what they want, but cannot shape politics. The ongoing constitutional amendment also aims to restrict LGBTQ propaganda.

Speaking on ethnic issues, the Deputy Prime Minister said that Hungary’s thirteen native nationalities are as much a part of the Hungarian nation as Hungarians living abroad. Support for native Hungarian nationalities has increased six-fold, while that of Hungarians abroad has increased ten-fold since 2010.

Answering a question, he commented that the worst Soviet times had come in Ukraine, but the Hungarian state would never leave the Hungarians of Transcarpathia alone, it would help them all.
