We have the latest massive test results


Monday press conference of operational staff György István The secretary of state began by presenting the results of the third week of specific mass tests.

In three weeks, a total of almost 440,000 tests were performed. Of this, 62 thousand in the third week, about a third more than in the first or second week. In the third round, employees of government and district offices were evaluated, and testing continued in social institutions and health care.

Mass testing stopped in schools, kindergartens, kindergartens after two weeks, but in some institutions samples were taken even in the third week. In educational institutions, the government said weekly testing was stopped because data was being analyzed.

The infection was 2.4 percent in the first week, 2 percent in the second, and the same rate was repeated in the third week.

A positive sample of 2.3 percent was found in social institutions and 2 percent in health institutions in the third week.

However, only 1.3 percent of office workers turned positive. István György did not give exact figures on the participation rate among the latter.

Kiss Robert We learned from the lieutenant colonel that several people were drinking alcohol in the warehouse of a general store in Debrecen, but the police listened to them.

Ágnes Galgóczi, in addition to presenting the latest data, stated that the “plateau phase” of the epidemic could last for weeks, after which only a decrease can be expected.
