Index – Domestic – Operational Tension: Mass Vaccination May Begin Early Next Year


The number of healers is constantly growing, but more than 7,600 infected patients still need hospital treatment, Ágnes Galgóczi said at the operation’s press conference on Monday. The head of the epidemiology department at the National Center for Public Health said 3,470 new coronavirus infections were detected on Monday. The hospital cares for 7,667 coronavirus patients, 605 of whom are on ventilators. 165 chronic patients, mostly elderly, died, bringing the number of deaths to 7,130.

Ágnes Galgóczi recalled: the government has suspended the shopping time zone for the elderly as of Saturday. He continued to ask everyone to follow epidemiological measures and hygiene rules.

István György, Secretary of State in the Prime Minister’s Office, reported on the details of the screening tests. As he said, the test was carried out in educational and social institutions for two weeks. In the third week, employees who met with clients in the administration were evaluated free of charge and voluntarily, for a total of 429,682 tests.

In the third week, the proportion of positive tests in public administration was 1.97 percent in 62,213 samples, and in medical care the result was 1.99 percent positive in 24,693 samples.

– Detailed the Secretary of State, then thanked those who participated in the national tests.


Róbert Kiss, deputy head of the guard center, described:

  • the police took action in 726 cases for violating the mask use rules,
  • due to the lack of use of public mask, 618 cases were carried out,
  • in 74 cases they did not wear a mask,
  • measures had to be taken against 34 people in public transport,
  • So far, 606 measures have been required for breach of the opening hours rules, of which 162 have established the responsibility of the operator or owner.
  • one store had to be closed, so far there have been a total of 98 such cases.

Róbert Kiss said: On Sunday, several people in a deli warehouse were not wearing masks, so a fine was imposed at the location and the store was closed for five days. He specified that 1,083 cases of curfew violation had to be dealt with over the weekend, a total of 12,782 cases to date. A total of 43,966 shortcuts are currently in effect.

Asked by a journalist at a press conference in the operational tribe, it was said that the letter sent to retirees and the online application are appropriate to register the vaccine. A person will only appear once in the system, even if they have requested both forms.

On the question of whether the epidemic is stabilizing and how long it may take, they said: the epidemiological situation is constantly monitored, the plateau may take weeks, but after that the number of cases will decrease. It was said that the

Pfizer may be the first to receive a European license, and mass vaccination of the population is likely to begin only in early 2021.
