Early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease: neglect of cleanliness and neglect of social relationships can also indicate – Health


It is a natural part of life that sometimes you forget about this and that. As time goes by, it may become more difficult to remember the names of acquaintances you haven’t seen in a long time, or you may be mistaking something in your home so that you can only find it in hours or days.

If, on the contrary, memory problems become more frequent and significantly hinder daily life, it can also be a symptom of an onset illness.

The first symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

The most common cause of dementia in old age, that is, dementia, is Alzheimer’s disease, which is accompanied by structural changes in the brain and significant mental decline. Although there is currently no effective treatment available, there are several therapeutic methods that can help patients’ lives. In the early-onset juvenile variety, the first symptoms appear between the ages of thirty and sixty, and in the late-onset type from the age of sixty.


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Signs of the disease can be diverse, symptoms include not only memory impairment, but also difficulty making decisions, neglecting social relationships and bathing. The Alzheimer’s Association (Alzheimer’s Association) gathered the symptoms that are definitely worth noting.

Memory loss that disrupts daily life

Forgetting new information is a characteristic early symptom. Important dates and events may be missed, and various aids, appointment books, sticky notes and notes recorded on mobile phones will play an increasingly important role.

Planning and problem solving difficulties

Many people with dementia may have a difficult time developing or following plans and may also have trouble working with numbers. Following a family recipe or keeping monthly bills in mind can cause unexpected difficulties.


Photo: Daniel Allan / Getty Images Hungary

It is more difficult to do familiar tasks.

Performing certain daily tasks takes much longer than before, and concentration problems can often occur. Getting to a place you’ve been anyway, putting together a shopping list can be challenging.

Location and perception of time are confused

People with Alzheimer’s may have trouble tracking the days and months. They may suddenly not know where they are and how they got there.

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Visual disturbances may occur

In some people, vision problems indicate the presence of the disease. Changes in vision can cause reading and balance problems, and can also make driving difficult. Stakeholders are sometimes unable to determine distance or colors well.

Speech and writing problems.

Following a conversation or joining a conversation can be difficult for patients. It can happen that they get stuck during what they have to say and do not know where they wanted to go, it is possible that they repeat themselves. There may also be changes in their vocabulary, it may be difficult for them to name a common object or they may have an unusual name.


Photo: Lwa / Getty Images Hungary

Judgment changed

A change in judgment can also manifest itself in things like a lack of choice of clothing suitable for the weather, but it is also common for those involved to be careless, such as being less careful about cleaning themselves. Your financial decisions can also leave something to be desired.

Personality changes

Because the conversation can be inconvenient for them, people with Alzheimer’s disease sooner or later become reticent, begin to neglect their social relationships, and abandon their favorite activities. Their personality and mood can also change, they can often feel moody, confused.

Early diagnosis is important

Early diagnosis is very important, even if there is currently no treatment available that can eliminate or reverse the disease. Anyone who notices the symptoms on their own can go to the appropriate specialists after visiting their GP, who will determine the presence of the disease after extensive examinations.


Photo: KatarzynaBialasiewicz / Getty Images Hungary

With the help of specialists, the severity and progression of symptoms can be reduced, and the lifestyle changes they propose can help delay the decline in cognitive functions. As much as possible, the person in question and their family can try to prepare for future events and situations that are also mentally stressful.

Improve concentration, stimulate brain function: 8 foods and drinks that help you think

Nutrition greatly affects the functions of the body, and mental functioning is no exception. If you color your daily menu with foods rich in vitamins, you will be able to concentrate on your tasks much easier, your memory will improve, and your mood will be more cheerful.

(Image source: Getty Images Hungary).
