Index – Abroad – The many Sundays: Belarusian protesters switched to guerilla tactics


The red and white flag flies everywhere

On Sunday, the 127th day of the protests, instead of the usual massive protests, the Belarusian protesters switched to a smaller and more dispersed campaign, ensuring their support for those dragged in by the authorities. Such actions are organized on social networks, Telegram channels and recordings of events are distributed in the same place or through opposition sources, creating a kind of resistance on the internet.

According to Belarusian news sites, there have been dozens of minor movements across the country today. News sources have reported two types of protests:

  • Small groups of people appear in different parts of the cities. For example, they sing, dance, or gather to record a short video in the courtyard of residential buildings, signaling their support to others.

“Doctors, we are with you!” – Shocked in front of Hospital No. 1 in Minsk.

  • They begin their so-called “solidarity walk” in small numbers, mainly in residential areas, in columns.

All the actions have in common a red and white flag that has become a symbol of the opposition. By doing so, they are expressing that they are fighting for the same goal, without fear, and even committing to become the target of the authorities for possessing an almost forbidden symbol. This is because police officers often identify protesters by the flag or their colors, and do their best to remove the symbol of rebellion against power whenever they can.

In the following video, the fire department was alerted to remove a flag from a tree.

The flag has a psychological effect. Where it appears, it indicates that people have moved away from the regime and that resistance is everywhere. Today, those marching in small groups chanted, among other things, the slogan of the resistance movement:

“Long live Belarus!” and “We believe, we can, we win!”

Belarusians unite!

Today’s movement was also organized in advance, it was not spontaneously invented. This also indicates that even if they do not gather in large numbers at specific points in the city, the resistance is still alive. Recordings of actions are shared with each other, indicating that they are not alone.

And the Internet organization allowed Belarusians living abroad to express their support for the opposition movement. According to the report, Belarusians living in Kiev, Lviv (Lemberg), Warsaw, Russia, among others, and Montenegro, among others, sent messages. From Białystok, in eastern Poland, in a very unusual way.

Thematic actions

Today’s movements have been renamed as the people’s prosecution process; this reflects a predefined theme. This is not the first time that different participants in the resistance have expressed their views in a particular way. This time, several spoke out in favor of freedom of the press and jailed journalists. There was an action that required no little organization.

Motorists, for example, park in such a way that, from the perspective of a drone, cars emit the letters of the word press.

With similar creativity, they remembered Roman Bondarenko, who died a month ago and was beaten in police custody when he was transferred to a hospital. However, the 31-year-old could not help but die from his injuries. The Interior Ministry denied that it had anything to do with Bondarenko’s death, claiming that he was fighting drunk, causing his loss. But the treating doctor, with the help of a journalist, leaked the hospital report, which found that Bondarenko was not drunk at all. The doctor and the journalist were also arrested.

Several health workers and journalists then stood against the wall, protesting the arrest of their colleagues with papers marked “0%”. This suggested that no alcohol was found on Bondarenko’s body.

The man was also remembered with a minute of silence last night.

Presumably, today’s movements are not concentrated in the city center either, because, according to reports in the Belarusian press, law enforcement officers are already prepared for mass dispersal, with water cannons, which in principle are prohibited. in the winter cold. However, this was the first Sunday since the August 9 elections that public transport was not restricted in central Minsk, as no protesters appeared. However, where a solidarity march emerged, the metro stops were closed. So far no clashes have been reported, but the security forces have detained several people.
