Thousands of Trumpistas protested at the White House, clashed with protesters


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Photo: Artur Gabdrahmanov / Sputnik via AFP

Once again, thousands of people protested alongside US President Donald Trump in various US cities, local time, on Saturday. In Washington, protesters clashed with activists from the Antifa movement.

The members of Antifa approach the TrumpistasPhoto: David Ryder / AFP

WRC-TV Washington reported that four people had been hospitalized with stab wounds and the police had reported the arrest of 23 people.

On-site reports from the Reuters news agency included protests in support of the president, including members of a group called Stop the Steal, which they said was formed after the November 3 presidential election, which they believe was a fraud, and a group called Proud Boys. The latter collided with members of the Antifa and Black Lives Matter movements near the White House at night. According to the AP news agency, several members of the Proud Boys group wore bulletproof vests.

Photo: Artur Gabdrahmanov / Sputnik via AFP

Protesters include “4 more years!” a password was recited, suggesting that Donald Trump is seen as the winner of the presidential election.

Alex Jones speaks through a megaphone among thousands of trumpet protestersPhoto: Stephanie Keith / Getty Images / AFP

Trump to Twitter he wrote, I didn’t know about the meeting, but I was happy for him.

Sympathy for Trump from Minnesota, Nebraska and Alabama was also reported.

The protests came after the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday threw out an action by the state of Texas to invalidate Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s victory in presidential elections in four member states. Texas argued that massive fraud had occurred in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The court dismissed the action alleging that Texas had no right to sue in the case because it could not legally establish its interest in how elections would be conducted in other member states. Biden’s spokesman, Mike Gwin, said there was nothing surprising in the court’s decision. Trump already admitted on Friday that there will be a Biden government, although he also wrote that he hopes they can somehow undo the results. But you have already posted something like this:

Photo: Twitter

(USA Today, MTI)

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