Covid Rampage in the United States: Record 3,300 killed in a single day, but health workers have been vaccinated since Monday


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Pfizer Headquarters, New YorkPhoto: KENA BETANCUR / AFP

In the United States, deaths from Covid19 peaked on Friday: 3309 victims were reported in 24 hours, bringing the epidemic to nearly 300,000.

These are critical days in the history of the US epidemic, with the Food and Drug Administration announcing that it has granted an extraordinary permit to partially commercialize a vaccine developed and reproduced by Pfizer and BioNTech so that it can reach the states on Monday. the first dose of vaccines. Vaccines will be delivered to 150 locations on Monday, with another 450 locations on Tuesday and Wednesday.

According to the AP summary, in addition to the extensive and comprehensive investigation that preceded the issuance of the license, it may also have been prompted by increasing government pressure on authority that threatened the FDA administration with personnel changes if license was invalid. closes with results on Friday.

The investigation, which involved 44,000 people, has yet to be fully completed; But the truth is that the efficacy of the vaccine exceeds 90 percent.

US government experts plan to ship 3 million vaccines in the first wave of vaccines. Vaccination with Pfizer should be repeated three weeks after the first, it will only provide full protection, but it is not yet clear how long this protection will last.

According to the vaccination plan, health and social workers, and those most at risk, will receive the first doses, but experts say the impact of the vaccination campaign will be felt in the numbers in the spring as soon.

According to the report, the license for the vaccine, carried out by another US pharmaceutical manufacturer, Moderna, could be completed next week. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine should get the green light in January at the earliest. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna have not yet been licensed in Europe, a decision will be made before the end of the year. (Time / AP / Independent)

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