The key may be the country’s membership in NATO.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SZBU) has started criminal proceedings against local representatives of the Szürte settlement in Transcarpathia for singing the Hungarian national anthem at the solemn opening meeting, the Novin news portal in Ukraine told the SZBU official on Saturday. . question. The SZBU said that in addition to treason, the deputies had also been prosecuted for violating Ukraine’s territorial integrity and forging documents.

No further details were provided, indicating that the investigation is ongoing. Thus, they did not reveal whether the affected representatives were questioned, the news portal wrote.

On December 1, the SZBU announced whether it had launched an investigation to find out whether it was against the law for local MPs to sing the Hungarian national anthem in Szürte, Transcarpathia. The incident occurred on November 21, but a secret video of the anthem was only revealed much later. According to the SZBU announcement at the time, at the initiative of the local community leader, some of the newly elected council members sang the Hungarian national anthem at the end of the municipal elections in October. “The security service has received documents about the incident and is now carefully inspecting them. Based on the results of the inspection, appropriate response measures will be taken,” the SZBU said on December 1.

Even that day, two members of the parliamentary faction of the Volodymyr Zelensky People’s Servant, Ukrainian President Vitaly Bezhin and the party’s faction leader Alexander Kornyenko, said that they had approached the SZBU on the matter.

Ukrainian analyst Dmitro Tuzansky told HVG after the video was released that there were several indications that the SZU was trying to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, which the Hungarians were doing well, as such provocations impede the government. Hungarian from Kiev. integration efforts.

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