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It reappeared in the press index. Gergely Ákos Balogh the name of the former deputy editor-in-chief. Balogh was assigned the position of content and business development manager at the day-to-day level exactly one month later Pál Szombathy he was fired. At the time of his firing, the then editor-in-chief argued that it had emerged that Baloghgal had different views on the Index and the role of the deputy editors-in-chief.

However, a short time later, Index was given the name Indamedia, which had had a significant influence on the operation of the newspaper up to that point. Simultaneously with the change of ownership, Szombathy was fired. Even then, it could be heard that the right-wing Balogh (Mandiner’s founding editor-in-chief) could again lead the Index in that way.

Szombathy’s place has been hired by him in the last month. Zoltán Fekete-Szalóky took over as Acting Editor-in-Chief. Media1 wrote on Saturday that in addition to Fekete-Szalóky, the former sports department, who had previously worked at the National Sports Department, Ilku Miklóst has been appointed the new Acting Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Index. From the Trio of Associate Editors-in-Chief Registered This Summer Sonia Kitzinger it remained in its original place.
