Béla Merkely: In the worst case, 14,000 ventilators would have been needed


Due to restrictive measures, the number of people on a ventilator due to a coronavirus infection remains stable at less than 700, and the purchase of the equipment was justified, the rector of Semmelweis University said in a statement to MTI on Friday. .

Merkely Béla He said: In peacetime Hungary has the ability to ventilate thousands of coronavirus patients, but in the first wave of the epidemic, seeing news of untreated patients in northern Italy, up to 14,000 people would have had to be ventilated at the same time in the worst case, according to the mathematical models of Hungary. . That’s why buying fans was justified, he explained.

He emphasized that part of preparing for health care is that the population must be able to provide adequate care even in the event of war, epidemic and crisis.

In this case, the crisis protocol will advance, providing the infrastructure background and human resources that may be needed in the worst case.

He said.

Referring to the number of stably ventilated patients below 700, Béla Merkely stated:

We managed to manage the course of the epidemic while also complying with the protocols in peacetime.

The chancellor sees that if the management of the epidemic had accidentally slipped or the initial alarm data had actually been confirmed, many more ventilators would have been needed.

We remember the photos when doctors were crying in the corridor in Milan and when they would have given anything in America to buy a ventilator, he said.

When it came to acquiring ventilators, the decision makers started from this, not from the current consolidated situation. The situation is not easy, but consolidated

Summarized the rector of Semmelweis University.
