Katalin Novák: We won a battle!


I believe in a Europe where there is freedom. Where Hungarians, Germans, French, Poles, Czechs or even Italians are free to decide how they want to live, said Katalin Novák, a minister without a family portfolio, in her video uploaded to her social media page.

Where you cannot think in the same way, but each nation can decide for itself its present and its future ”, he continued. Today an important agreement was reached in Brussels. This deal is not just about financial matters. We won a battle. We also decide on the present and the future of our children today and also on freedom, whether we will be able to live freely as Hungarians in Europe. Until now, we have resisted all the imperial aspirations that tried to impose ideology on us Hungarians, since we have definitely said no to mass immigration, we have definitely said no to gender ideology, since we have strongly said no to communism in the past, and we will persevere in the future. I want to assure everyone that Now we’ve won a battle, it won’t be the last But we participate in every battle defending Hungarian interests, defending the present and the future of Hungarian children. The left does not have a majority in Hungary, now they have tried to get a majority in Brussels or Europe, but they have not succeeded either. closed the video.
