Pál Győrfi reports on the vaccine with heroic music


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The government is launching an information campaign on vaccination against the coronavirus.

The face of the campaign will be Pál Győrfi, a spokesman for the National Ambulance Service who became famous during the epidemic, the first video has already been posted on the government’s Facebook page.

In the video, Győrfi features a heroic and inspiring musical background that has started pre-registration for vaccination. Registrants will be the first to be informed of the latest information and when the vaccination will take place. He also stressed that vaccination will be voluntary and free, and its order will be determined by the degree of vulnerability.

By the way, it is not clear from communication between the government and operational personnel whether vaccination is necessary in any case.

In the government briefing on Thursday, we asked if someone who signed up at vacciniafo.gov.hu ​​would have a role in vaccine administration and who would not. Goulash said: “Of course it will, because the state somehow has to get information about who it is, who wants to get vaccinated. And that is why we recommend to everyone that if they want to get vaccinated, register and register. Or, if you are retired, return the registration form. I think it is more difficult to imagine a more careful procedure than to establish clear rules in time, several weeks before the first vaccine shipment is available in the country. “

Csaba Dömötör, parliamentary secretary of state in the Prime Minister’s Office, told the MTI that on the first day more than 100,000 Hungarians registered at vakcinainfo.gov.hu.

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