Orban says victory, opposition says failure is an EU deal


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“Common sense won. We protected the money of the Hungarians”

– Viktor Orbán wrote in his Facebook video after the EU summit, where the agreement reached by the German government with the governments of Hungary and Poland was accepted, according to which Viktor Orbán and Mateusz Morawiecki were willing to stop vetoing the budget .

Orbán sees the decision as a victory of common sense because “in difficult times, such as the epidemic, the economic crisis, now there is no time to hold ideological and political debates that prevent us from acting.”

Which is undoubtedly correct in itself, because the rule of law mechanism, as the EP proposes, would have hindered it in many respects.

According to the Fidesz narrative, they waged a long struggle, from which they emerged victorious, and preserved not only the money of the Hungarians, but also the sovereignty, resources and European solidarity of the Hungarians. These have already been written by Judit Varga, Minister of Justice, in an equally victorious position:

Opposition politicians, on the other hand, write about Orbán’s withdrawal and failure in connection with the decision. According to President Jobbik Péter Jakab, the scandal of the former militant prime minister “softened” due to the József Szájer scandal.

Orbán has declared a life or death fight against Brussels for which the rule of law has been raised as a condition. and even greeted with a large vest that was better outside the union than inside. Then came the Boca scandal, and the heart of the Dear Leader suddenly softened. “

According to MSZP MEP István Ujhelyi, the prime minister “hit the reef”, whose government, according to Ujhelyi, “capitulated to reason and the European Union, the compromise proposal of the European Community was accepted at today’s meeting.”

2020 was an extraordinary year. The coronavirus epidemic and the deepening economic crisis that followed put us to the test, and the government has also used this dire crisis to further strengthen its already unprecedented power.

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