Undivided ownership – these owners are removed from the registry


The property registry review will begin on January 1. Unknown deceased owners will be removed – the Hungarian Association of Farmers ‘Circles and Farmers’ Cooperatives (Magosz) draws attention.

Starting in 2021, land offices will review landowners whose personal identification information recorded in the land registry is incomplete, or whose personal identification mark is missing or incorrectly entered, can be read on the Facebook page of the organization.

If the data reconciliation does not lead to a result, the Land Office will publish a notice for each settlement and location in order to locate the owner in question, for which the sought owner can still submit an application within 90 days.

If the heir does not apply, that’s it!

The result: If the wanted owner does not show up within 90 days, ownership of the property passes to the state by law.

These lands are also depleted, share so much!

Importantly, the National Land Center, acting on behalf of the state, no longer has restrictions on selling the land and can sell it or put it to use by farmers.

The relevant law can be read here.
