Index – National – Zoltán Kovács: It is fiction that Hungary is considering leaving the EU


We are a conservative, Christian and democratic society. This case is politically closed. And humanly it’s tragic

– In an interview with a newspaper on Thursday, Zoltán Kovács, Secretary of State for Communication and International Relations, responded to the question of whether the Orbán government could lose its credibility due to the Szájer affair.

The Secretary of State is Austrian delivery courier He also explained to Poland that Hungary and Hungary had clearly declared the use of EU funds, the two countries have a common position. According to Zoltán Kovács, the EU money cannot be considered a donation, as the Central and Eastern European countries have opened their markets to other member states, he believes that the money serves as compensation for this. He underlined that the rule of law mechanism is not about the rule of law, but is part of the political game, MTI wrote.

When asked why Hungary links the EU budget and economic recovery aid to migration, György Soros’s plan to make Europe’s future depend on migration and accept immigrants in the name of solidarity will soon be will come true. Zoltán Kovács, quoting Viktor Orbán, said he was from Brussels.

don’t look at us like idiots.

When asked by the newspaper if it was possible for Hungary to leave the EU, Zoltán Kovács said that no one in the Hungarian government was considering this and called the assumption fictional. “This is a favorite toy of the internal opposition and the European left.” Regarding protection against the coronavirus, he noted that Hungary is opening up not only to China and Russia, but also to Austria, for example.
