In an unusually dramatic voice, Merkel spoke of the epidemic – video


The German chancellor is pushing for much stricter restrictions.

The number of people infected with the new type of coronavirus in Germany could start to explode again, so much stricter restrictions should be introduced, he said. Angela Merkel Chancellor on Wednesday in the Federal Parliament (Bundestag).

He stressed that he agreed with Tuesday’s extraordinary resolution of Leopoldina (Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften), acting as the academy of science, that in order to curb the second wave of the epidemic, instead of the current partial and mild closure, it should freeze a hard lock. This recognition is growing, even among provincial leaders responsible for controlling the epidemic.

As can be seen in the attached video, in his unusually passionate and dramatic speech, the Chancellor urged everyone to minimize the number of personal contacts and encounters with risk of contagion. As he said, we must take restrictions seriously and make everyone aware that everyone influences the course of the epidemic through their behavior. It is not correct, for example, that, with a specific interpretation of the hospitality rules, many gather at the stands installed in front of the restaurants to have a common mulled wine.

Merkel emphasized that it hurts from the bottom of her heart to ignore these encounters this year, but to understand that people’s lives are at stake. In the ten days until Christmas, the greatest discipline is required. If due to the epidemic

Christmas this year will be the last with the grandparents, we will be very sorry to have done so little in hindsight.

to reduce the risk of infection, the chancellor said.

In line with Leopoldina’s proposal, he explained that teaching breaks should be ordered or the transition to digital education should be ordered in mid-December, and that the retail and services sectors should be suspended as of December 24, except for the businesses that are essential to everyday life. As at the time of the first spring wave, the strict restrictions should be maintained until at least January 10, Angela Merkel said.

According to data from the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI) on Wednesday, 20,815 infections have been tested in the past 24 hours, up 20 percent from 17,270 the previous week. In relation to Covid-19, more than 590 deaths were recorded in one day than ever before. Along with the new ones, 1,218,524 infections were detected by virus tests and the number of deaths in the epidemic rose to 19,932.

The number of people who need intensive care for the new coronavirus increased from 78 to 4,257 in one day, according to the latest summary of the professional organization of the area of ​​intensive care and accidents (DIVI) on Tuesday. 60 percent (2,535 patients) need mechanical ventilation. According to the DIVI report, 27,271 intensive care beds are operated nationwide, of which 4,957 are free.
