Andi Tóth has collapsed, her fellow musicians are worried


The young singer spread her criticism on her social side many times over the weekend, prompting even more negative comments.

“If you take more care of your own life than of me, you would not be a lot of pain. Respect for the exception. Scold me, my God will hit your face against the cement anyway”, wrote Andi Tóth in his publication of the end of week.

Source: Fb / Andi Tóth

According to Blikk, Bálint Gájer is also afraid: “This filth annoys even a person who has been thinking for a long time. He feels he needs help, he asks. I will be happy to help him, even with spiritual support and professional advice,” he said.

“Many people forget that the famous is also a person. As much as a well-known singer has the responsibility of how he communicates, since they pay attention to him, civilians must also pay attention, his words carry weight, ”said Tamás Veréb.
