Index – Domestic – Szijjártó on the Szájer case: There is speculation about the intervention of foreign services


Péter Szijjártó was also asked about the case of József Szájer at the meeting of the Parliament’s National Security Committee, among other things, about how it is possible that he was only informed of the events days later.

According to the MTI report, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in relation to the activities of the Information Office (MA) under his supervision:

In accordance with the National Security Law, the National Security Authority provides national security protection to Hungarian agencies and facilities located abroad that are important for government activities. This applies to foreign missions, diplomats and staff working there, but the AA has no powers over the European Parliament and its members.

Péter Szijjártó informed the committee that the MA only has control of the national security of its own employees.

The MA cannot carry out activities aimed at exploring and evaluating information related to lifestyle and phenomena that affect others.

Said the Minister. In other words, the minister who supervised the secret service, who had no jurisdiction in the Szájer case, was not informed of what happened until later.

According to the socialist Zsolt Molnár, if an event occurs that affects the sovereignty, authority, diplomatic and political judgment of Hungary, then all secret services have a duty.

János Stummer, the committee’s right-wing chairman, asked if the minister would not consider the amendment to the National Security Law correct and if there was any information that there had been an intervention by the foreign secret service in the case of József Szájer.

Péter Szijjártó replied:

It has no information “beyond a shadow of a doubt”, only guesswork and partial information.

He also added that Zsolt Bunford, Director General of the MS, could provide information on these in a closed-door meeting. was informed that in the closed-door meeting of the National Security Committee, Zsolt Bunford said that the intelligence had no knowledge of the risks related to the private life of József Szájer, but that is not their task. He also spoke about whether they know if any outside service may have had something to do with the case.

Under the current National Security Services Act, members of the European Parliament do not have to initiate a national security audit.

József Szájer, a member of the European Parliament of Fidesz, unexpectedly resigned on 29 November. As it turned out, this may have been related to his participation in a sex party in Brussels on November 27, in violation of the curfew in Belgium. József Szájer tried unsuccessfully to escape from the place due to the police who arrived in the gutter, and drugs were found in his backpack, but the politician assures that he did not consume drugs and did not know how to get them. After the scandal broke, József Szájer left Fidesz. According to a public opinion poll conducted by Median on behalf of, the Szájer case made Fidesz’s chances worse.

(Cover image: Péter Szijjártó. Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák / MTI)
