Index – Sports – Recent news about the state of Törőcsik


The legendary footballer from Újpest, András Törőcsik, who had previously caught the coronavirus, continues to be treated in a hospital.

The 65-year-old icon scorer has struggled with digestive issues, but has thankfully improved, though he still needs attention. What’s more, you’ve already had a negative test result, but the virus may still be present in your body, Blikk writes.

The most important thing is that you are stable in your condition, you get a hematopoietic preparation and vitamins. I consulted with the doctors regularly, András is in very good hands, they are constantly watching him. The sisters do gymnastics and take a walk, watching her move regularly. His appetite is fine with the circumstances, he can be fed by mouth. However, his gastrointestinal disease is still under study, making it difficult to predict how long he will need to stay in the hospital.

Eva Törőcsik, the sister of the soccer legend, told the tabloid.

András Törőcsik was hospitalized

He did not contract the coronavirus, only a previous illness reappeared.
