Index – Abroad – Viktor Orbán: Hungary and Poland have a good chance of winning


Prime Minister Viktor Orbán flew to Warsaw ahead of the EU summit in Brussels to meet with Jarosław Kaczyński, PiS President and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Hungary and Poland have a good chance of winning the EU budget debate on the rule of law for the payment of EU funds, if things go in the right direction in the coming days

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Tuesday night in Warsaw after the trial. The Hungarian Prime Minister considers that

the positions of Hungary and Poland, as well as the German presidency of the EU and the governments of several other member states, are now closer than they were a few weeks or days ago.

In an interview with Polish commercial television Polsat News, the prime minister said that there was an agreement between Budapest and Warsaw on all important issues, the interests of the two countries coincided and they considered it important to protect EU treaties, national interests and financial resources for Hungary and Poland. .

He stressed that issues related to the rule of law that have nothing to do with financial matters should be separated from budgetary issues. A situation where financial penalties could be imposed, for example, because a Member State does not follow the European approach to gender or migration issues would not be desirable. Highlights:

The debate is not about financial resources, it is only a secondary issue that we are fighting for is the protection of national sovereignty.

According to him, the two countries together

strong enough to protect your financial interests.

too He pointed out that maintaining a conflict situation, a budget veto, is not good for Europe, nor is it in the interest of Hungary or Poland, so an agreement would be necessary as soon as possible, which would benefit all parties. Added:

V4, Hungary, Poland are the future of the EU.

Polish government spokesman Piotr Müller said:

We want the criteria of the European Union budget to apply only to the budget itself (…), so that the conditions for a possible suspension of resources only apply to the implementation of the budget.

The spokesperson also said that

several EU countries agree with the Polish-Hungarian position,

He therefore believes that an agreement can be reached in the Brussels negotiations. Added:

We are more optimistic about the possibilities, but that requires an agreement between the two parties.

Piotr Müller also confirmed that he had been negotiating with the German presidency of the EU Council in Warsaw for days, seeking a consensus that would harmonize the position of the Polish-Hungarian and German presidencies.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán addresses a Polish television station in Warsaw

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán addresses a Polish television station in Warsaw

Photo: Prime Minister’s Press Office / Benko Vivien Cher / MTI

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki explained in a Facebook post on Tuesday that

the rule of law on the disbursement of EU funds undermines trust between member states, while the European Union must strive to be supportive in times of the coronavirus outbreak.

The Polish Prime Minister also spoke at a press conference in Warsaw about: lconsiders it possible that, due to differences of opinion about the budget

Another summit of heads of state and government will be needed after the EU summit this week.

Mateusz Morawiecki set:

We are preparing for the long months of negotiations and discussions that may follow.
