Orbán: We have a good chance of winning the debate on the EU budget


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Hungary and Poland have a good chance of winning the EU budget debate on the rule of law for the payment of EU funds if things move in the right direction in the coming days, Viktor Orbán said in Warsaw in the evening after the talks. with his Polish counterpart.

The head of government told Polsat News on Polish commercial news television: now the positions of Hungary and Poland, as well as the German rotating presidency of the EU and the governments of several other member states, are closer than a few weeks or days ago. .

According to Orbán, questions of the rule of law that have nothing to do with financial matters should be separated from budgetary ones, because it would not be desirable to impose economic sanctions, for example, if a Member State does not follow the European approach on gender or migration issues. . .

Orban speaks to Polish television in Warsaw on December 8, 2020.Photo: Prime Minister’s Press Office / Benko Vivien Cher / MTI / MTVA

According to the Prime Minister, there is an agreement between Budapest and Warsaw on all important issues, the interests of the two countries coincide, they consider it important to protect the provisions of the EU treaties, the national interests and the financial resources of Hungary and Poland. He said the two countries together are strong enough to protect their financial interests, “there is no need to worry, they will not lose a penny.”

Orbán said that maintaining a conflict situation and a budget veto is not good for Europe, nor is it in the interests of Hungary or Poland, so an agreement would be necessary as soon as possible, which would benefit all parties.

Orbán said: “The debate is not about financial resources, it is only a secondary issue that we are fighting for is the protection of national sovereignty.” According to him, “V4, Hungary, Poland is the future of the EU.”

One of the most important debates at the EU summit in Brussels from Thursday to Friday will be whether Polish Prime Minister Orbán and Mateusz Morawiecki will veto the budget for fear of the rule of law mechanism. Other important issues will be on the agenda, such as climate protection commitments until 2030, as Hungary would only undertake an emissions reduction of 40 percent instead of 55 percent. (via MTI)

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