The suspension bridge was brought down under the field of a Thai beauty pageant


During the thirty starts of a Thai beauty pageant, a suspension bridge spanning a dirty lake broke. When the accident happened, the girls were just smiling and waving at the cameras.

Thirty young women jumped into the water at the same time on December 7 in Thailand when a suspension bridge was brought down below them, writes the New York Post.

The beauty pageant contestants visited a cafe for promotional purposes and then stopped on a suspension bridge to pose for the cameras. However, the ropes could not support the weight of the thirty beauty queen candidates at once.

Three of the women were more easily injured, one had injuries to the forehead and two others suffered minor abrasions. For safety reasons, the girls were taken to the hospital for examination, but all were immediately discharged.

Worapot Chatkanjana, the restaurant and the 43-year-old bridge owner donated half a million Thai bats (almost five million guilders) for the medical expenses of the injured and promised to pay the other girls the cost of professional cleaning of their clothes.
