Index – National – This is how the opposition reacted to Viktor Orbán’s announcement


Viktor Orbán announced Monday afternoon that the curfew rules will remain in effect until January 11. This means that you still shouldn’t be out on the street between 8:00 p.m. M. And 5:00 a. M.

The Prime Minister consulted epidemiologists, who unanimously said:

strict measures must be maintained.

Whether special rules will apply on Christmas Eve will only be decided on December 21 based on the evolution of the epidemic situation.

However, New Year’s Eve parties and street parties have already been banned.

Opposition parties and politicians also responded to Orbán’s announcement.

Former prime minister wants a free trial

Ferenc Gyurcsány was not satisfied on his Facebook page.

There are no free and massive trials. Instead, there is uncertainty and panic. Wouldn’t it be easier to provide a free trial before Christmas so families can safely spend the holidays together?

– asks the president of the Democratic Coalition.

Instant oral mouth

András Fekete-Győr settled the matter with one sentence. The president of the Momentum quoted the prime minister as saying that for a “good street dance” it was not worth risking the results of the restrictions so far, and then, in response to the Szájer case, he wrote so much on his community page:

And for a good »house party«?


Peter was not exaggerating either. The Jobbik chairman reacted as much to the prime minister’s announcement as Orbán said: nothing.

According to the LMP, the intercom must be stopped

The LMP sent a statement stating that the Hungarian people were not being adequately informed about the epidemic situation and the Prime Minister’s announcement did not help at all. According to the Greens, the government is hiding the real data to make it appear that the management of the Hungarian epidemic does not slip to the bottom of Europe.

The LMP believes that Orbán’s announcement on Monday will not help protect against the epidemic. According to them, by closing the stores earlier, they only manage to push the crowds in the stores. It is also considered wrong that current restrictive measures do not allow people to go on an immune-boosting walk, although for many this is only possible at night, after work. (By the way, you can walk your dog after 8pm)

They also complain that the rules for Christmas Eve will not be decided until December 21, the LMP said that the head of government should have outlined two or three options so that families can calculate what.
