Mourning, the death of the Hungarian actress – Metropol


Maria Bistrai He was born on May 25, 1923 in Cluj-Napoca, the son of Romanian Prime Minister Petru Groza and actress Kabdebó Duci. He graduated from the Hungarian Art Institute of Cluj-Napoca in 1951 and has been a member of the Hungarian State Theater in Cluj-Napoca.

From 1969 until his retirement in 1985, he served as a theater director. During this period, the dramas of András Sütő, directed by György Harag (Sunday of flowers of a horse stalk, Star on the stake, Cain and Abel, Wedding of Szuzai) were performed.

He animated a multitude of lyrical roles and character roles. He participated in several nights of lectures and appeared frequently on Romanian radio and television in Hungarian.

Main roles: Natasa, Masha (Chekhov: Three Sisters); Diana (Lope de Vega: The gardener’s dog); Zilia (Heltai J .: The Silent Levente); Eszter Rhédey (Zsigmond Mórizs: Úri muri); Lida (Kohout: a great love); Blanche (T. Williams: The Streetcar of Desire); Stella Campbell (Kilty: Dear Liar); Gertrudis (József Katona: Bánk bán).

He also starred in films, including the 141 minutes of Zoltán Fábri’s unfinished line, Mephisto, directed by István Szabó, and Szindbád, written by Zoltán Huszárik, based on the work by Tibor Déry. He also appeared in the Romanian film Lumini si umbre (Lights and Shadows).
