Goulash: We have to face stealth integration


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Gergely Gulyás, Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office He said it was important for politics to be accompanied by foresight as well as pragmatism.

The author of the book, Balázs Orbán He emphasized that in the flow of daily events there is little room to look at directions and international connections from afar. That’s why we need one-of-a-kind line guides to help show the right path, he said.

He said that in the last five hundred years Hungary had many times limited sovereignty, often the Hungarians could only move on a narrow board. In the 2010s, however, the horizon of strategic thinking expanded significantly, which means a great responsibility for the government, because if you do something well, it is your own merit, but the opposite is also true – said Balázs Orbán, who said that Hungarians must realize the recipe for their success.

The Secretary of State believed that there should be principles that all Hungarians agree on, regardless of whether they are from the right or the left.

Former chancellor ministers also attended the event. János Lázár According to the Prime Minister’s Commissioner, the Government Commissioner and former head of the Prime Minister’s Office, it is important for Hungary to exploit its resources.

That’s what he said István Stumpf also a university professor, the former head of the Prime Minister’s Office, who believed that three resources would be indispensable: land, water and the “brain.” Hungary has good opportunities to take advantage of them, he stressed.

Tibor Navracsics The government commissioner, a former administration and justice minister, said that a politician must feel when history passes and “catch him.”

Gergely Gulyás recalled that the institution of the modern chancellery appeared in Germany after the Second World War. The German Chancellor has the right to determine the political direction. He pointed out that the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office is a hybrid, because it not only prepares, but also acts as a ministry.

János Lázár described the optimization of the government system after 2014 as an important task.

Tibor Navracsics commented that between 2010 and 2014, they wanted to do everything possible to keep Hungary on a new path, as they did not know if they would gain confidence again. That is why so many laws have been passed. He stressed that the Hungarian Prime Minister was the strongest in Europe in terms of his constitutional position.

István Stumpf recalled that the chancellery-type government in Hungary was institutionalized by the first Orbán government.

Gergely Gulyás emphasized that it is not about a commitment to Europe, it is a form of this, about which Central European countries have a very different idea.

János Lázár believed that since 2010 the government has achieved the greatest success in the field of independence.

Tibor Navracsics said that he sees no objection to the fact that Hungary and Poland vetoed the prospect, this is possible. At the same time, he stated that Hungary must belong to the European Union and that the government’s European policy is not sophisticated enough. We are “in confrontation” in almost every area, and that is too much, he said.

Gergely Gulyás also talked about that

The time has come to face a stealth integration, this is the least of which is the rule of law.

The current head of the ministry believed that there was no good solution to the situation. “What would be acceptable to us would be a failure of the Dutch prime minister in the election campaign,” he said.

István Stumpf called it a serious debate whether the union would move in the direction of speeding up federalization.

János Lázár also thought about the Hungarian veto that the stakes were high. “The current debate will determine Hungary’s room for maneuver inside and outside the EU. I fear it will be difficult to tie this party,” said the government commissioner.

Zoltán Szalai, CEO of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), said they would publish books that were considered to fill in the gaps. Such is the work of Balázs Orbán, who is the president of the school’s board of trustees, he said. In his words, it is understandable by the volume how the leaders of the state think.

Hungarian strategic thinking once appeared in the care of the MCC editor.

The full conversation can be viewed by clicking here.

Cover image source: Balázs Orbán Facebook page
