Fidesz representatives would join the EPP as an external ally, but first they would have to leave the party family.

Viktor Orbán wrote a letter to Manfred Weber, leader of the faction of the European People’s Party (EPP), in which he initiated the relaxation of relations between Fidesz and the EPP. His popular word. According to the newspaper, Orbán suggested this in the letter, citing differences of opinion and interests and avoiding communication problems.

In the letter, the Hungarian Prime Minister proposes a form of cooperation between the EPPs and British Conservative MEPs between 1999 and 2009. The British then joined the faction as an external ally, forming a separate group in it.

However, the British could only join the EPP without being members of any European family of parties. According to the document, the association proposed by Orbán can only be fed by MEPs from the PPE group who do not belong to the European People’s Party, so Fidesz should first leave the Christian Democratic political community so that MEPs can sign a cooperation agreement with the group. Referring to EU sources, Népszava writes that the letter is in fact a covert announcement that Fidesz wants to leave the party family.

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Politician: Viktor Orbán is the fourth most influential European leader
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Due to circumvention of EU rules, the Hungarian Prime Minister ranked high on the list of the most influential.

Samizdat, balfácán, ban - reacted to the words of Orbán Manfred Weber in a strange advertisement
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The Prime Minister issued a specially structured and drafted statement through the MTI’s National Press Service. It begins with “Viktor Orbán’s response to Manfred Weber (EU Samizdat No. 3)”.