Index – National – According to the opposition, Viktor Orbán takes a million florins out of the pocket of an average family with the veto


The Dialogue was represented by Co-Chair Tímea Szabó, who said that she had not said anything at the Prime Minister’s hearing that she had not previously spoken in public. According to the faction leader, with the Hungarian veto on the EU budget, the Prime Minister will take practically 250,000 guilders from all Hungarian citizens. With a loan in foreign currency obtained in the recent period, each Hungarian owes 400,000 HUF.

Péter Jakab, a right-wing man, spoke about the head of government’s attempt to escape accountability and prevent the adoption of the EU budget, which the Hungarian economy desperately needs. According to him, Viktor Orbán began to prepare people to sooner or later leave Hungary from the Union.

According to Bertalan Tóth, the budget veto is nothing more than consolidating the financial security of Viktor Orbán’s family and friends. Erzsébet Schmuck, co-chair of the LMP, noted that Viktor Orbán and his government had effectively captured the EU budget and blocked the launch of the recovery fund. Finally, László Varju, vice president of DK, also asked Viktor Orbán to renounce the veto.

(Cover image: Bánkúti Sándor / Index)
