The health analyst believes that this is already being seen by the medical director.

I see Cecília Müller perhaps, perhaps beginning to realize that it was an extremely foolish decision to introduce a shopping time zone for the elderly.

– Health analyst Kunetz Zsombor wrote on his Facebook page. He noted that the national director, Cecília Müller, spoke on public television on Sunday that the government would decide on Monday the rules for Christmas (too), and

Very bad direction to be crowded with shopping centers.

According to the MTI description, he did not speak specifically about the time zone, or whether this “wrong address” could result in a change. The Commercial Workers Union has requested a review of the shopping time zone for seniors after Dec. 11, as the restriction further increases tensions in the pre-holiday fever. The union suggested preferring to maintain the mandatory safety distance and regulate the number of people inside according to the size of the company.

According to Kunetz, it would also be the correct decision to restrict the number of people in a given airspace at the same time instead of the time zone.

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