Chinese physicists are questioning Google’s quantum dominance


Chinese researchers, including renowned quantum physicist Pan Chien-vej, have announced that they have made a breakthrough in quantum computing, achieving the so-called quantum domain. This means that a quantum computer performs a complex task in a short period of time that a conventional computer cannot solve in the foreseeable future.

Chinese scientists claim to have built a quantum computer that can perform certain calculations nearly 100 trillion times faster than the world’s most advanced supercomputer. The research team created a prototype quantum computer (Chichang) capable of detecting up to 76 photons.

According to a report published in the online edition of the scientific journal Science, China has reached a milestone in the field of quantum computing.

This photonic computer did a calculation in 200 seconds that an average supercomputer would take 2.5 billion years.Source: Hansen Zhong

Quantum domain means that a quantum computer performs a complex task in a short period of time that a conventional computer cannot solve in the foreseeable future.In the study, the professionals used a classical simulation algorithm to demonstrate the achievement of quantum supremacy. The average number of photons detected by the prototype was 43.

Google researchers announced in a 2019 publication in the scientific journal Nature that they had achieved quantum dominance.

Although still in its infancy, experts consider quantum computing key

radically improve the processing speed and performance of computers, allowing the simulation of large systems and facilitating the development of physics, chemistry and other fields.

(MTI / Xinhua, Origó)
