Index – Domestic – Mask for everyone! But what?


In the Index, we recently reported on a study examining how disciplined Europeans, including Hungarians, are complying with health rules imposed due to the coronavirus epidemic. As for the willingness to wear a mask, we are doing quite well compared to the European average, but when we walk the streets or travel in public transport, there are still countless people who wear their masks incorrectly or put on the wrong mask.

Therefore, we will now try to summarize once again all the relevant information related to masks and contribute to the best possible chance of surviving the current period without infection. As we would like to give professional and complete answers to the questions that arose, we requested and received information from the experts in “masks” of the National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health (OGYÉI) and the National Center for Public Health.

As shown by some millions of studies, the essence of the mask is to minimize the release of droplets (aerosols) exhaled by the infected into the air, their entry into the respiratory tract. If we are healthy, covering our mouth and nose will protect us from the aerosols that we exhale, if we are infected we will protect others with it. When you breathe, speak, cough, sneeze, the drops spread with different intensity, but if we have a mask, it lands on its surface, not on the skin, face, mucous membranes of others.

The mask also protects us from dirtying our faces during involuntary movements, and then from there to our eyes, mouth and nose. (Remember that wearing a mask is only part of defense – you need to be careful to keep your distance and wash your hands frequently.)

A protective mask, which can be a medical device, a personal protection device or a homemade mask, is used correctly if it completely covers our nose, mouth and chin, for which the design must be reviewed.


Make sure it fits your face snugly, reducing suction. We must wash our hands well with soap before and after applying them. If the mask is wet, it must be replaced, as its filterability will deteriorate dramatically. Whether we have a rubber or bonding mask, we have to put it on so we don’t have to constantly handle it afterwards, because in this way more dirt can get to our surface of our hands and “saturate”.

Respiratory protection devices can be divided into 3 categories according to the material they are made from, the regulations that apply to them and what their purpose is. They exist based on these

  • medical devices,
  • personal protective equipment for respiratory protection,
  • other mouth masks.

Efficiency can vary from category to category and within categories.

Surgical or medical mask

Surgical masks of the first category are made for professional medical use, that is, for hospital workers, for example, but due to their design they do not provide complete protection against pathogens and other contaminants, as the surface of the mask fits loosely to the face. Your level of protection may vary. Still, there are many used on the street, which has several problems.

Due to their permeability, these masks provide protection for 2.5-3 hours, after which they must be replaced, so they can only be used short-term.

On the other hand, if passersby use it and consume two or three a day, they will soon run out of supplies and will not be left in the hands of those who fight for the lives of our grandparents on the operating table or in the bed of the intensive room.


The second category includes personal protective equipment for respiratory protection. These were originally developed for occupational safety purposes, that is, to protect a person with very high efficiency from pollutants entering the body by inhalation, for example, on a construction site, in a vehicle repair shop. Its type limits the amount of protection available.

They can be divided into two groups:

  • for filter type respirators
  • and insulating respirators.

Filter-type respirators filter contaminants from the inhaled air and reduce contamination below allowable levels. Particulate filter half masks that operate on this principle are marked with FFP (Filtering Facepiece Particulare), 1-2-3 depending on their performance. they can be of class (FFP1, FFP2, FFP3), we see it a lot on the street. Insulating respirators provide air from an external source, providing complete protection when used as intended.

But it is important to know that valved respirators only filter almost 100 percent of the intake air, so they protect the user, exhaled air is not filtered, so if they are used by a sick or suspicious person, they will not protect others from infection.

Most of the popular FFP masks in Hungary cannot be reused or washed. Because if they were washed at high temperatures or even steamed to eliminate possible viruses, they would be ruined. However, there may be exceptions to these types, so it is always a good idea to read their instructions carefully before using them. Also think about the environmental aspects: as a consumer, it is not certain that we should enlarge the market for plastic masks if we can choose a product made with a less polluting material and with a similar filtering capacity.

Other masks

For other masks, that is, masks that are not classified into the two regulatory categories above (for example, homemade, sewn-on masks), the efficiency is determined by the filtration and air permeability (that is, breathability) properties of the raw material. The effectiveness of screening depends

  • tissue tension,
  • of the fiber diameter,
  • and, in the case of nonwovens, the manufacturing process.

For the manufacture of masks, it is advisable to choose a non-elastic (flexible) material, because during use the material stretches, which increases the size of the pores and reduces the filtration efficiency. Flexible materials are also sensitive to high temperatures and therefore cannot be washed efficiently.

In addition to the choice of material, the number of layers is also important. Depending on the type of material, it is advisable to use a mask with a minimum of 3 layers. Studies have shown that masks made of cloth or clothing (eg nylon or polyester) provide 2 to 5 times the filtration efficiency in two layers than in one layer. For masks made of cotton, it is recommended to buy 4 layers. Porous materials (eg, Gauze) do not provide adequate filtration even in multiple layers.

Multilayer masks made from clothing are best suited for everyday wear as they have adequate filtering properties, are washable, and can be worn for months.

And the scarf?

With the onset of winter, many people not only solve neck warming with a scarf, but also see it as a mask. This is a mistake as neckerchiefs are not designed to cover the face and nose or have filtering properties. Its filterability also depends on its material, for example knitted scarves contain visible pores (holes) when wrapped in multiple layers, making it difficult to breathe. Its effectiveness is further weakened by the fact that due to the exhaled vapor, your material quickly gets wet, which in turn can become an ideal microenvironment for other infectious agents in a short time.

Should I throw it away, wash it, iron it?

An international symbol in the masks shows that once used, it is a crossed out 2 in a circle, we have to look for this symbol.

Surgical masks (medical masks) are disposable devices, as they are not suitable for disinfection or cleaning, for example with heat or chemicals / disinfectants, due to the properties of their material. The largest proportion of FFP masks must also be thrown away after one use, they cannot be washed, but here the instructions for use decide.

It is recommended to store fabric masks in a closed bag after use until they are washed. They can be machine washed, to kill and inactivate microorganisms at 90-95 degrees or 60-75 degrees, in the latter case in combination with a disinfectant detergent, it is also possible to wash by hand in a disinfectant solution for at least 10 minutes, it is possible to iron and can be used for months. them until their stuff is tired.

What do we look for on the label?

Documentation of various brands and masks can be helpful when purchasing legally marketed medical or personal respirators. This paragraph is going to be a bit boring right now, but once everyone bites into it or bookmarks the article so they can read it when they make a purchase.

If the surgical mask (non-sterile) is chosen despite the above, we look for the CE marking and the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity issued in accordance with Regulation 93/42 / EEC or 4/2009 (III.17) EüM. In the case of sterile masks, ensure that the CE mark and the four-digit identification number of the certification body, eg CE3271, and the certificate issued in accordance with 93/42 / EEC are present. In the case of personal protective equipment and respirators, the CE marking and the four-digit identification number of the certification body and the certificate issued in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 2016/425 must also be observed.

All legally sold masks must be there for the manufacturer of the product, if you can’t find one, don’t buy it!


As there is strong demand around the world, the masks have started to be counterfeited. Customs and investigating authorities alerted OGYÉI in 122 cases, and the institute initiated market surveillance procedures in 24 cases. In 18 cases, the marketing of the product in question was suspended or the product was withdrawn from the market. In some cases, OGYÉI did not act or did not act because it found that the product complied with EU harmonization legislation. In the case of protective masks, the procedures were carried out by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology.

(Cover Image: ppi / Index)
