Index – Culture – Accent is no obstacle if there are three – Hungarian actress in the world


Let’s start with a list: Kristina Goztola and Péter Halmi Le Collier (The Necklace) his short film was awarded at the Swedish Film Awards for the visual world of film. He was invited to Mumbai, one of the largest film festivals in the world, and also won the Best Director Award and Special Jury Award in the short film category. He then made it to the finale of the Jane Austen International Film Festival, the Hollywood Gold Awards and the Madrid Film Awards. Most recently, she received the Inspiring Actress in Film Award at the Los Angeles Film Awards (LAFA). In short, he is very successful as a Hungarian actor and producer in Europe and abroad. Play in English, French, if necessary, Italian. What is the secret of success?

Many refer to the accent, but I think that today it doesn’t matter anymore because everyone has it. Speaking differently for North London or Manchester, there are big differences in the US too, so that’s not authorized.

On the other hand, it is true that the competition is enormous. There are many criteria that must be met in order for someone to kick a ball internationally as well.

What are these conditions?

It is very important to master several languages. It is not enough for someone to learn English.

Americans say it is unique and unrepeatable. So individuality is very important. In addition to these, they look for types that can also be sold on the international market. My agent decided that I was the Mediterranean type, so not specifically an Eastern European character. He treated this as a positive development from the beginning, which was successful. I did not play characters from Eastern Europe or Hungarians, but I was tasked with shaping Italian, Spanish and Southern European types.

He also plays French and English. What makes you multilingual?

To my parents. Learning languages ​​and music was mandatory for us. I went to a French high school, then I moved to the Győr Conservatory, where we study French and Italian at an advanced level.

Did you major in singing in music high school?

Yes, it was my wish to be an opera singer. My childhood was really full of songs and dances.

Then he became an actor.

I also enrolled in the Performing Arts music department and in teacher training. I was admitted to both places, I chose the first one. I graduated, started working and then decided to try myself abroad as well.

I had to start over, I had to learn to think in a foreign language.

Not everyone wants to start over, practically from scratch, if you already have a degree, your home career has begun. What motivated you?

He was in the fortunate position of having a name within the profession, but he was not yet a celebrity, a celebrity. Maybe that’s why I used less that I had to stand on the starting line again in an unfamiliar environment.

How did you start building a career abroad?

I started in London, I had a contract with an agency and they sent me to study.

The classic story: a part-time bartender, going to castings and waiting to be discovered?

No, fortunately I didn’t have a “civil” job either. They gave me acting assignments and I also made a living from them. Initially smaller commercials and films came. When there was no such job, I went home immediately, so I didn’t live outside all the time. I didn’t even want to leave Hungary, I just wanted to test the possibilities for myself elsewhere.

How does an international career start? Can you find smaller tasks and one brings up the other?

I entered The Actors Center in London where they train professional actors. He needed a recommendation from outside, as well as a draft. Whoever arrives is in constant contact with the directors and casting directors in the open air. These are closed workshops, speakers from New York and Los Angeles also came, so a process was started, a system of professional contacts was established.

Perhaps the hardest part is getting into a professional circle as a foreign actor where they know you know about yourself.

It also opened the doors of America.

What training took place at The Actors Center?

Like I said, they deal with professional actors who already have professional qualifications and experience. This is called additional training, which sounds strange in Hungarian, but

Outside, they think it is so important for actors to constantly train as dancers or singers.

I know that these kinds of workshops are also held in Hungary in the company of József Katona.

Have you ever been given theatrical roles in London?

Yes, the first serious professional competition was when I was able to play Abigail in English. A salemi witchesin a little theater on Oxford Street. By then, I already felt that I could also have a place in the outdoor profession.

Then came America?

Yes, I enrolled in the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles, through which I entered the world of cinema there. I played for the first time in exam movies, it was also a very good school. Everything runs under the Spielberg name and introduces students to all the stations of the cinema. There is a specifically cinematographic training for actors in which different styles of play are separated, whether it is acting on screen, television work or situation comedy.

He also started his career in America, but basically remained a European actor. Is this a conscious decision?

Yes, I had a great time outside, but spiritually I couldn’t live outside all the time and I only came home every year, every six months. Being close to my family is very important to me. I was filming in Los Angeles when my grandmother died. It was a horrible feeling that I couldn’t fly home, couldn’t be with my mother. Then I vowed to stay in Europe. There are not so many distances here, one gets in the car and runs home from anywhere if necessary.

He also has a production company in Paris.

Yes, I founded it in 2015, since then my partner Péter Halmi, director and screenwriter, has joined and there are two of us. We have filmed some short films and we are already preparing our first feature film. Due to the epidemic, everything slides, but then we continue. The production line wasn’t really conscious, I didn’t originally think about making movies either. An American director, Clayton Burkhart, who worked with names like Kate Moss and Christy Turlington, saw me at the Avignon Theater Festival and suggested that we work together. I had several scenario ideas, one of them is Let me go story from which it was very difficult to obtain your rights. The book is based on the writing of the most popular Italian crime writer, Giorgio Scerbanenco. We have been negotiating for the rights for several years, sooner or later I also got involved in the negotiations, and finally I personally managed to obtain the rights. One thing brought another, a company had to be founded, things happened in a row.

What is your feature film plan?

My partner writes the script, the basic idea is an adaptation of a classic novel, but we formulate today’s problems. This is also a Hungarian-French co-production, we are shooting in France with French actors in English.

Are Hungarian colleagues also invited to work?

Good question. He is planning to work with Hungarian colleagues later, but it is somewhat strange.

When our performance won an award at the Avignon Theater Festival, where I was the first Hungarian actress to act in French, and the two-person drama brought great professional success (it became the second best performance among more than 1,200 productions) , wanted to go home. try out.

I was hanging around the theaters, and almost everywhere I got the answer that it was good for me to be outside, not to take the opportunity away from my Hungarian colleagues. Now, the opposite is true, many people seek to work with us. Of course, we also think of the Hungarian actors. We will see what the future holds for us.

How does the epidemic affect the capabilities of a small film production office?

It can have many effects, but the point is to get too much out of all this. Now we are at home, we work, but the most important thing is to be at home and overcome everything with my family.

(Cover image: Kristina Goztola and Péter Halmi. Photo:
