Tragic: the legendary Hungarian actress died at home


In the 81st year of his death, Kossuth Prize-winning actor Ildikó Pécsi told the local government of Gödöllő on Saturday. According to the entry, the award-winning actor Mari Jászai, a worthy and excellent artist, died at his home in Gödöllő on Saturday. Ildikó Pécsi was an honorary citizen of Gödöllő, the local government considers her dead.

Ildikó Pécsi was born on May 21, 1940 in Polgár, graduating in 1962 from the Faculty of Theater and Film Arts. He was hired by the National Theater of Pécs, then between 1966 and 1970 he was a member of the Comedy Theater. He spent three or three years at the Microscope Stage and at the Katona József Theater in Kecskemét. Between 1976 and 1985 he performed at the Radnóti Stage, and from 1985 to 1990 at the People’s Theater. Since 1990 he was an artist at the József Attila Theater. He performed on Crown Podium nights and across the country with his solo exhibitions (Love, Among Flowers and Snakes, Alone, Trust, I Was Born Greek).

From 1994 to 1998 he was a member of parliament for the MSZP. Since 1980, he was a board member of the Theater Workers Union and also served as the Chairman of the Help Foundation board. The versatile actress not only provided excellent performances in the most important dramatic roles in world literature (O’Neill: American Electra, Sophocles: Antigone, GB Shaw: Warrenné’s Craft, O’Neill: Unhappy Moon), but also excelled in comedies and musical pieces (Neil Simon: Furc couple, Achard: The Foolish Girl, Brefford: Irma, You Sweet, Brecht: Beggar).

He has starred in more than a hundred films, television games and series (The Captain of Tenkes, The Golden Man, Swan Song, The Devil Beats His Wife, The Bacterial House Starts, You Ragged Life, Linda, Montecarlo !, Two Against Paris). They were also busy in the Hungarian Television cabaret shows, their stunt double with Imre Antal was a great success. In addition to acting, he directed and even wrote plays, in which he directed a Greek classic at Tác-Gorsium every year for ten years. She published four books, released a children’s album in 2008, recorded several audiobooks, and performed with her own nights (including about Blaha Lujza, Melina Mercouri).

The Facebook post of the municipality of Gödöllő reminds us that due to the extremely versatile personality of the name Ildikó Pécsi, it was almost linked to many events in the city: the Queen Elizabeth Recitation Contest, the Women’s Day program, He has acted in various urban plays and contributed as a director. In many cases, her husband, Olympic soccer champion Lajos Szucs – participated in the events – who was also an honorary citizen of Godollo. “It is a deep sadness that they have both been left here this year,” the publication says.

His work was recognized with the Mari Jászai Prize in 1976, with a worthy artistic title in 1980, with an excellent artistic title in 1987, and with the Central Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary (civic section) in 2006. In 2007, he was awarded the Kossuth Prize for decades of popular and versatile artistic and performing arts work. He has been a member of the Immortal Society since 2009, and in 2011 he received the Patria Award. This year he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Hungarian Film Academy Association.

Cover image: Getty Images


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