Nationwide testing of another professional group will begin on Monday


Testing of specific national groups will continue next week with testing of those working in the territorial administration, the prime minister said on Saturday. In their communication, they indicated that the tests would use the experience gained during the two weeks of testing in nurseries, kindergartens, educational institutions and social homes.

The government launched a comprehensive nationwide targeted group test on November 20 to assess the proportion of people infected in occupations where workers tend to have large numbers of citizens in the course of their work or care for groups at risk of contracting the disease. virus.

Based on the experience of a two-week test process with rapid antigen tests in nurseries, kindergartens, educational institutions, social institutions and health facilities, the operative strain evaluated the level of transfusion in these professional groups with the participation of two cases to reduce the spread of the virus, they wrote.

The Prime Minister said that after the school tests, the operational staff will further analyze the first and second weekly data and then decide if there will be further tests in these occupational groups at a later date.

In social homes, where last week’s test results show that the infection rate is higher (3.7% nationally) than in other occupational groups, government agencies continue to provide testing facilities to institutions, they added. . In primary health care and specialty outpatient care, government agencies also continue to provide the required number of tests on a weekly basis. These institutions have the appropriate professional resources for testing.

The announcement indicated that operational staff had also decided to conduct group tests of area administrative staff who would be in direct contact with customers next week. Based on the experience of testing in nurseries, kindergartens, educational institutions, social institutions and healthcare facilities, all employees of government offices and district offices who test and undergo testing are also evaluated. As before, the tests are voluntary and free.
