Index – National – Klára Dobrev launches petition for Viktor Orbán to withdraw his veto


The MEP of the Democratic Coalition has shared on his Facebook page that he is launching a petition for Viktor Orbán to lift his veto on the seven-year budget of the European Union and the rescue package to deal with the epidemic crisis due to the state. associated law.

The MEP considers it likely that the Poles will withdraw their veto and believes that the prime minister should do the same. According to him, Viktor Orbán risks the future of the Hungarians with a veto.

There are many billions of billions at stake, and if we don’t get this money from Orban, everyone will understand.

Polish Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Mateusz Morawiecki have vetoed the aforementioned EU budget and rescue package, as they do not agree that the European Union should make the payment of aid to member states conditional on Rule of law.

We have already written before that the Poles are expected to step back from their veto.

DK and Momentum consider Viktor Orbán's veto to be a betrayal

According to Anna Donáth, her party is defending EU money against corrupt governments.
